Source code for satpy.readers.netcdf_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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"""Helpers for reading netcdf-based files."""

import logging

import dask.array as da
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from satpy.readers import open_file_or_filename
from satpy.readers.file_handlers import BaseFileHandler
from satpy.readers.utils import np2str
from satpy.utils import get_legacy_chunk_size

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CHUNK_SIZE = get_legacy_chunk_size()

[docs] class NetCDF4FileHandler(BaseFileHandler): """Small class for inspecting a NetCDF4 file and retrieving its metadata/header data. File information can be accessed using bracket notation. Variables are accessed by using: wrapper["var_name"] Or: wrapper["group/subgroup/var_name"] Attributes can be accessed by appending "/attr/attr_name" to the item string: wrapper["group/subgroup/var_name/attr/units"] Or for global attributes: wrapper["/attr/platform_short_name"] Or for all of global attributes: wrapper["/attrs"] Note that loading datasets requires reopening the original file (unless those datasets are cached, see below), but to get just the shape of the dataset append "/shape" to the item string: wrapper["group/subgroup/var_name/shape"] If your file has many small data variables that are frequently accessed, you may choose to cache some of them. You can do this by passing a number, any variable smaller than this number in bytes will be read into RAM. Warning, this part of the API is provisional and subject to change. You may get an additional speedup by passing ``cache_handle=True``. This will keep the netCDF4 dataset handles open throughout the lifetime of the object, and instead of using `xarray.open_dataset` to open every data variable, a dask array will be created "manually". This may be useful if you have a dataset distributed over many files, such as for FCI. Note that the coordinates will be missing in this case. If you use this option, ``xarray_kwargs`` will have no effect. Args: filename (str): File to read filename_info (dict): Dictionary with filename information filetype_info (dict): Dictionary with filetype information auto_maskandscale (bool): Apply mask and scale factors xarray_kwargs (dict): Addition arguments to `xarray.open_dataset` cache_var_size (int): Cache variables smaller than this size. cache_handle (bool): Keep files open for lifetime of filehandler. """ file_handle = None def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info, auto_maskandscale=False, xarray_kwargs=None, cache_var_size=0, cache_handle=False): """Initialize object.""" super(NetCDF4FileHandler, self).__init__( filename, filename_info, filetype_info) self.file_content = {} self.cached_file_content = {} self._use_h5netcdf = False try: file_handle = self._get_file_handle() except IOError: LOG.exception( "Failed reading file %s. Possibly corrupted file", self.filename) raise self._set_file_handle_auto_maskandscale(file_handle, auto_maskandscale) self._set_xarray_kwargs(xarray_kwargs, auto_maskandscale) listed_variables = filetype_info.get("required_netcdf_variables") if listed_variables: self._collect_listed_variables(file_handle, listed_variables) else: self.collect_metadata("", file_handle) self.collect_dimensions("", file_handle) self.collect_cache_vars(cache_var_size) if cache_handle: self.file_handle = file_handle else: file_handle.close()
[docs] def _get_file_handle(self): return netCDF4.Dataset(self.filename, "r")
[docs] @staticmethod def _set_file_handle_auto_maskandscale(file_handle, auto_maskandscale): if hasattr(file_handle, "set_auto_maskandscale"): file_handle.set_auto_maskandscale(auto_maskandscale)
[docs] def _set_xarray_kwargs(self, xarray_kwargs, auto_maskandscale): self._xarray_kwargs = xarray_kwargs or {} self._xarray_kwargs.setdefault("chunks", CHUNK_SIZE) self._xarray_kwargs.setdefault("mask_and_scale", auto_maskandscale)
[docs] def collect_metadata(self, name, obj): """Collect all file variables and attributes for the provided file object. This method also iterates through subgroups of the provided object. """ # Look through each subgroup base_name = name + "/" if name else "" self._collect_groups_info(base_name, obj) self._collect_variables_info(base_name, obj) if not name: self._collect_global_attrs(obj) else: self._collect_attrs(name, obj)
[docs] def _collect_groups_info(self, base_name, obj): for group_name, group_obj in obj.groups.items(): full_group_name = base_name + group_name self.file_content[full_group_name] = group_obj self._collect_attrs(full_group_name, group_obj) self.collect_metadata(full_group_name, group_obj)
[docs] def _collect_variables_info(self, base_name, obj): for var_name, var_obj in obj.variables.items(): var_name = base_name + var_name self._collect_variable_info(var_name, var_obj)
[docs] def _collect_variable_info(self, var_name, var_obj): self.file_content[var_name] = var_obj self.file_content[var_name + "/dtype"] = var_obj.dtype self.file_content[var_name + "/shape"] = var_obj.shape self.file_content[var_name + "/dimensions"] = var_obj.dimensions self._collect_attrs(var_name, var_obj)
[docs] def _collect_listed_variables(self, file_handle, listed_variables): variable_name_replacements = self.filetype_info.get("variable_name_replacements") for itm in self._get_required_variable_names(listed_variables, variable_name_replacements): parts = itm.split("/") grp = file_handle for p in parts[:-1]: if p == "attr": n = "/".join(parts) self.file_content[n] = self._get_attr_value(grp, parts[-1]) break grp = grp[p] if p != "attr": var_obj = grp[parts[-1]] self._collect_variable_info(itm, var_obj) self.collect_dimensions(itm, grp)
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_required_variable_names(listed_variables, variable_name_replacements): variable_names = [] for var in listed_variables: if variable_name_replacements and "{" in var: _compose_replacement_names(variable_name_replacements, var, variable_names) else: variable_names.append(var) return variable_names
def __del__(self): """Delete the file handler.""" if self.file_handle is not None: try: self.file_handle.close() except RuntimeError: # presumably closed already pass
[docs] def _collect_global_attrs(self, obj): """Collect all the global attributes for the provided file object.""" global_attrs = {} for key in self._get_object_attrs(obj): fc_key = f"/attr/{key}" value = self._get_attr_value(obj, key) self.file_content[fc_key] = global_attrs[key] = value self.file_content["/attrs"] = global_attrs
[docs] def _get_object_attrs(self, obj): return obj.__dict__
[docs] def _collect_attrs(self, name, obj): """Collect all the attributes for the provided file object.""" for key in self._get_object_attrs(obj): fc_key = f"{name}/attr/{key}" value = self._get_attr_value(obj, key) self.file_content[fc_key] = value
[docs] def _get_attr_value(self, obj, key): value = self._get_attr(obj, key) try: value = np2str(value) except ValueError: pass return value
[docs] def _get_attr(self, obj, key): return getattr(obj, key)
[docs] def collect_dimensions(self, name, obj): """Collect dimensions.""" for dim_name, dim_obj in obj.dimensions.items(): dim_name = "{}/dimension/{}".format(name, dim_name) self.file_content[dim_name] = len(dim_obj)
[docs] def collect_cache_vars(self, cache_var_size): """Collect data variables for caching. This method will collect some data variables and store them in RAM. This may be useful if some small variables are frequently accessed, to prevent needlessly frequently opening and closing the file, which in case of xarray is associated with some overhead. Should be called later than `collect_metadata`. Args: cache_var_size (int): Maximum size of the collected variables in bytes """ if cache_var_size == 0: return cache_vars = self._collect_cache_var_names(cache_var_size) for var_name in cache_vars: v = self.file_content[var_name] arr = get_data_as_xarray(v) self.cached_file_content[var_name] = arr
[docs] def _collect_cache_var_names(self, cache_var_size): return [varname for (varname, var) in self.file_content.items() if isinstance(var, netCDF4.Variable) and isinstance(var.dtype, np.dtype) # vlen may be str and var.size * var.dtype.itemsize < cache_var_size]
def __getitem__(self, key): """Get item for given key.""" val = self.file_content[key] if isinstance(val, netCDF4.Variable): return self._get_variable(key, val) if isinstance(val, netCDF4.Group): return self._get_group(key, val) return val
[docs] def _get_variable(self, key, val): """Get a variable from the netcdf file.""" if key in self.cached_file_content: return self.cached_file_content[key] # these datasets are closed and inaccessible when the file is # closed, need to reopen # TODO: Handle HDF4 versus NetCDF3 versus NetCDF4 parts = key.rsplit("/", 1) if len(parts) == 2: group, key = parts else: group = None if self.file_handle is not None: val = self._get_var_from_filehandle(group, key) else: val = self._get_var_from_xr(group, key) return val
[docs] def _get_group(self, key, val): """Get a group from the netcdf file.""" # Full groups are conveniently read with xr even if file_handle is available with xr.open_dataset(self.filename, group=key, **self._xarray_kwargs) as nc: val = nc return val
[docs] def _get_var_from_xr(self, group, key): with xr.open_dataset(self.filename, group=group, **self._xarray_kwargs) as nc: val = nc[key] # Even though `chunks` is specified in the kwargs, xarray # uses dask.arrays only for data variables that have at least # one dimension; for zero-dimensional data variables (scalar), # it uses its own lazy loading for scalars. When those are # accessed after file closure, xarray reopens the file without # closing it again. This will leave potentially many open file # objects (which may in turn trigger a Segmentation Fault: # if not val.chunks: val.load() return val
[docs] def _get_var_from_filehandle(self, group, key): # Not getting coordinates as this is more work, therefore more # overhead, and those are not used downstream. if group is None: g = self.file_handle else: g = self.file_handle[group] v = g[key] attrs = self._get_object_attrs(v) x = xr.DataArray( da.from_array(v), dims=v.dimensions, attrs=attrs, return x
def __contains__(self, item): """Get item from file content.""" return item in self.file_content
[docs] def get(self, item, default=None): """Get item.""" if item in self: return self[item] else: return default
[docs] def get_and_cache_npxr(self, var_name): """Get and cache variable as DataArray[numpy].""" if var_name in self.cached_file_content: return self.cached_file_content[var_name] v = self.file_content[var_name] if isinstance(v, xr.DataArray): val = v else: try: val = v[:] val = xr.DataArray(val, dims=v.dimensions, attrs=self._get_object_attrs(v), except IndexError: # Handle scalars val = v.__array__().item() val = xr.DataArray(val, dims=(), attrs={}, name=var_name) except AttributeError: # Handle strings val = v self.cached_file_content[var_name] = val return self.cached_file_content[var_name]
[docs] def _compose_replacement_names(variable_name_replacements, var, variable_names): for key in variable_name_replacements: vals = variable_name_replacements[key] for val in vals: if key in var: variable_names.append(var.format(**{key: val}))
[docs] def get_data_as_xarray(variable): """Get data in variable as xr.DataArray.""" try: attrs = variable.attrs except AttributeError: # netCDF4 backend requires usage of __dict__ to get the attributes attrs = variable.__dict__ try: data = variable[:] except (ValueError, IndexError): # Handle scalars for h5netcdf backend data = variable.__array__() arr = xr.DataArray(data, dims=variable.dimensions, attrs=attrs, return arr
[docs] class NetCDF4FsspecFileHandler(NetCDF4FileHandler): """NetCDF4 file handler using fsspec to read files remotely."""
[docs] def _get_file_handle(self): try: # Default to using NetCDF4 backend for local files return super()._get_file_handle() except OSError: # The netCDF4 lib raises either FileNotFoundError or OSError for remote files. OSError catches both. import h5netcdf f_obj = open_file_or_filename(self.filename) self._use_h5netcdf = True return h5netcdf.File(f_obj, "r")
def __getitem__(self, key): """Get item for given key.""" if self._use_h5netcdf: return self._getitem_h5netcdf(key) return super().__getitem__(key)
[docs] def _getitem_h5netcdf(self, key): from h5netcdf import Group, Variable val = self.file_content[key] if isinstance(val, Variable): return self._get_variable(key, val) if isinstance(val, Group): return self._get_group(key, val) return val
[docs] def _collect_cache_var_names(self, cache_var_size): if self._use_h5netcdf: return self._collect_cache_var_names_h5netcdf(cache_var_size) return super()._collect_cache_var_names(cache_var_size)
[docs] def _collect_cache_var_names_h5netcdf(self, cache_var_size): from h5netcdf import Variable return [varname for (varname, var) in self.file_content.items() if isinstance(var, Variable) and isinstance(var.dtype, np.dtype) # vlen may be str and * var.dtype.itemsize < cache_var_size]
[docs] def _get_object_attrs(self, obj): if self._use_h5netcdf: return obj.attrs return super()._get_object_attrs(obj)
[docs] def _get_attr(self, obj, key): if self._use_h5netcdf: return obj.attrs[key] return super()._get_attr(obj, key)