Source code for satpy.readers.file_handlers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
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# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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"""Interface for BaseFileHandlers."""

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition

from satpy.dataset import combine_metadata
from satpy.readers import open_file_or_filename

[docs] def open_dataset(filename, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: D417 """Open a file with xarray. Args: filename (Union[str, FSFile]): The path to the file to open. Can be a `string` or :class:`~satpy.readers.FSFile` object which allows using `fsspec` or `s3fs` like files. Returns: xarray.Dataset: Notes: This can be used to enable readers to open remote files. """ f_obj = open_file_or_filename(filename) return xr.open_dataset(f_obj, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class BaseFileHandler: """Base file handler.""" def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info): """Initialize file handler.""" self.filename = filename self.navigation_reader = None self.filename_info = filename_info self.filetype_info = filetype_info self.metadata = filename_info.copy() def __str__(self): """Customize __str__.""" return "<{}: '{}'>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.filename) def __repr__(self): """Customize __repr__.""" return str(self)
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, ds_info): """Get dataset.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_area_def(self, dsid): """Get area definition.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_bounding_box(self): """Get the bounding box of the files, as a (lons, lats) tuple. The tuple return should a lons and lats list of coordinates traveling clockwise around the points available in the file. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def _combine(infos, func, *keys): res = {} for key in keys: if key in infos[0]: res[key] = func([i[key] for i in infos]) return res
[docs] def combine_info(self, all_infos): """Combine metadata for multiple datasets. When loading data from multiple files it can be non-trivial to combine things like start_time, end_time, start_orbit, end_orbit, etc. By default this method will produce a dictionary containing all values that were equal across **all** provided info dictionaries. Additionally it performs the logical comparisons to produce the following if they exist: - start_time - end_time - start_orbit - end_orbit - orbital_parameters - time_parameters Also, concatenate the areas. """ combined_info = combine_metadata(*all_infos) new_dict = self._combine(all_infos, min, "start_orbit") new_dict.update(self._combine(all_infos, max, "end_orbit")) new_dict.update(self._combine_orbital_parameters(all_infos)) try: area = SwathDefinition([info["area"].lons for info in all_infos]),[info["area"].lats for info in all_infos])) = "_".join([info["area"].name for info in all_infos]) combined_info["area"] = area except KeyError: pass new_dict.update(combined_info) return new_dict
[docs] def _combine_orbital_parameters(self, all_infos): orb_params = [info.get("orbital_parameters", {}) for info in all_infos] if not all(orb_params): return {} # Collect all available keys orb_params_comb = {} for d in orb_params: orb_params_comb.update(d) # Average known keys keys = ["projection_longitude", "projection_latitude", "projection_altitude", "satellite_nominal_longitude", "satellite_nominal_latitude", "satellite_actual_longitude", "satellite_actual_latitude", "satellite_actual_altitude", "nadir_longitude", "nadir_latitude"] orb_params_comb.update(self._combine(orb_params, np.mean, *keys)) return {"orbital_parameters": orb_params_comb}
@property def start_time(self): """Get start time.""" return self.filename_info["start_time"] @property def end_time(self): """Get end time.""" return self.filename_info.get("end_time", self.start_time) @property def sensor_names(self): """List of sensors represented in this file.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def file_type_matches(self, ds_ftype): """Match file handler's type to this dataset's file type. Args: ds_ftype (str or list): File type or list of file types that a dataset is configured to be loaded from. Returns: ``True`` if this file handler object's type matches the dataset's file type(s), ``None`` otherwise. ``None`` is returned instead of ``False`` to follow the convention of the :meth:`available_datasets` method. """ if not isinstance(ds_ftype, (list, tuple)): ds_ftype = [ds_ftype] if self.filetype_info["file_type"] in ds_ftype: return True return None
[docs] def available_datasets(self, configured_datasets=None): """Get information of available datasets in this file. This is used for dynamically specifying what datasets are available from a file in addition to what's configured in a YAML configuration file. Note that this method is called for each file handler for each file type; care should be taken when possible to reduce the amount of redundant datasets produced. This method should **not** update values of the dataset information dictionary **unless** this file handler has a matching file type (the data could be loaded from this object in the future) and at least **one** :class:`satpy.dataset.DataID` key is also modified. Otherwise, this file type may override the information provided by a more preferred file type (as specified in the YAML file). It is recommended that any non-ID metadata be updated during the :meth:`BaseFileHandler.get_dataset` part of loading. This method is not guaranteed that it will be called before any other file type's handler. The availability "boolean" not being ``None`` does not mean that a file handler called later can't provide an additional dataset, but it must provide more identifying (DataID) information to do so and should yield its new dataset in addition to the previous one. Args: configured_datasets (list): Series of (bool or None, dict) in the same way as is returned by this method (see below). The bool is whether the dataset is available from at least one of the current file handlers. It can also be ``None`` if no file handler before us knows how to handle it. The dictionary is existing dataset metadata. The dictionaries are typically provided from a YAML configuration file and may be modified, updated, or used as a "template" for additional available datasets. This argument could be the result of a previous file handler's implementation of this method. Returns: Iterator of (bool or None, dict) pairs where dict is the dataset's metadata. If the dataset is available in the current file type then the boolean value should be ``True``, ``False`` if we **know** about the dataset but it is unavailable, or ``None`` if this file object is not responsible for it. Example 1 - Supplement existing configured information:: def available_datasets(self, configured_datasets=None): "Add information to configured datasets." # we know the actual resolution res = self.resolution # update previously configured datasets for is_avail, ds_info in (configured_datasets or []): # some other file handler knows how to load this # don't override what they've done if is_avail is not None: yield is_avail, ds_info matches = self.file_type_matches(ds_info['file_type']) if matches and ds_info.get('resolution') != res: # we are meant to handle this dataset (file type matches) # and the information we can provide isn't available yet new_info = ds_info.copy() new_info['resolution'] = res yield True, new_info elif is_avail is None: # we don't know what to do with this # see if another future file handler does yield is_avail, ds_info Example 2 - Add dynamic datasets from the file:: def available_datasets(self, configured_datasets=None): "Add information to configured datasets." # pass along existing datasets for is_avail, ds_info in (configured_datasets or []): yield is_avail, ds_info # get dynamic variables known to this file (that we created) for var_name, val in self.dynamic_variables.items(): ds_info = { 'file_type': self.filetype_info['file_type'], 'resolution': 1000, 'name': var_name, } yield True, ds_info """ for is_avail, ds_info in (configured_datasets or []): if is_avail is not None: # some other file handler said it has this dataset # we don't know any more information than the previous # file handler so let's yield early yield is_avail, ds_info continue yield self.file_type_matches(ds_info["file_type"]), ds_info