#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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"""Tests for modifiers in modifiers/__init__.py."""
import datetime as dt
import unittest
from unittest import mock
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr
from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition, StackedAreaDefinition
from pytest_lazy_fixtures import lf as lazy_fixture
from satpy.tests.utils import RANDOM_GEN
def _sunz_area_def():
"""Get fake area for testing sunz generation."""
area = AreaDefinition("test", "test", "test",
{"proj": "merc"}, 2, 2,
(-2000, -2000, 2000, 2000))
return area
def _sunz_bigger_area_def():
"""Get area that is twice the size of 'sunz_area_def'."""
bigger_area = AreaDefinition("test", "test", "test",
{"proj": "merc"}, 4, 4,
(-2000, -2000, 2000, 2000))
return bigger_area
def _sunz_stacked_area_def():
"""Get fake stacked area for testing sunz generation."""
area1 = AreaDefinition("test", "test", "test",
{"proj": "merc"}, 2, 1,
(-2000, 0, 2000, 2000))
area2 = AreaDefinition("test", "test", "test",
{"proj": "merc"}, 2, 1,
(-2000, -2000, 2000, 0))
return StackedAreaDefinition(area1, area2)
def _shared_sunz_attrs(area_def):
attrs = {"area": area_def,
"start_time": dt.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 18),
"modifiers": tuple(),
"name": "test_vis"}
return attrs
def _get_ds1(attrs):
ds1 = xr.DataArray(da.ones((2, 2), chunks=2, dtype=np.float64),
attrs=attrs, dims=("y", "x"),
coords={"y": [0, 1], "x": [0, 1]})
return ds1
def sunz_ds1():
"""Generate fake dataset for sunz tests."""
attrs = _shared_sunz_attrs(_sunz_area_def())
return _get_ds1(attrs)
def sunz_ds1_stacked():
"""Generate fake dataset for sunz tests."""
attrs = _shared_sunz_attrs(_sunz_stacked_area_def())
return _get_ds1(attrs)
def sunz_ds2():
"""Generate larger fake dataset for sunz tests."""
attrs = _shared_sunz_attrs(_sunz_bigger_area_def())
ds2 = xr.DataArray(da.ones((4, 4), chunks=2, dtype=np.float64),
attrs=attrs, dims=("y", "x"),
coords={"y": [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5], "x": [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5]})
return ds2
def sunz_sza():
"""Generate fake solar zenith angle data array for testing."""
sza = xr.DataArray(
np.rad2deg(np.arccos(da.from_array([[0.0149581333, 0.0146694376], [0.0150812684, 0.0147925727]],
attrs={"area": _sunz_area_def()},
dims=("y", "x"),
coords={"y": [0, 1], "x": [0, 1]},
return sza
class TestSunZenithCorrector:
"""Test case for the zenith corrector."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize("as_32bit", [False, True])
def test_basic_default_not_provided(self, sunz_ds1, as_32bit):
"""Test default limits when SZA isn't provided."""
from satpy.modifiers.geometry import SunZenithCorrector
if as_32bit:
sunz_ds1 = sunz_ds1.astype(np.float32)
comp = SunZenithCorrector(name="sza_test", modifiers=tuple())
res = comp((sunz_ds1,), test_attr="test")
np.testing.assert_allclose(res.values, np.array([[22.401667, 22.31777], [22.437503, 22.353533]]),
assert "y" in res.coords
assert "x" in res.coords
ds1 = sunz_ds1.copy().drop_vars(("y", "x"))
res = comp((ds1,), test_attr="test")
res_np = res.compute()
np.testing.assert_allclose(res_np.values, np.array([[22.401667, 22.31777], [22.437503, 22.353533]]),
assert res.dtype == res_np.dtype
assert "y" not in res.coords
assert "x" not in res.coords
if as_32bit:
assert res.dtype == np.float32
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, np.float64])
def test_basic_lims_not_provided(self, sunz_ds1, dtype):
"""Test custom limits when SZA isn't provided."""
from satpy.modifiers.geometry import SunZenithCorrector
comp = SunZenithCorrector(name="sza_test", modifiers=tuple(), correction_limit=90)
res = comp((sunz_ds1.astype(dtype),), test_attr="test")
expected = np.array([[66.853262, 68.168939], [66.30742, 67.601493]], dtype=dtype)
values = res.values
np.testing.assert_allclose(values, expected, rtol=1e-5)
assert res.dtype == dtype
assert values.dtype == dtype
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, np.float64])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("data_arr", [lazy_fixture("sunz_ds1"), lazy_fixture("sunz_ds1_stacked")])
def test_basic_default_provided(self, data_arr, sunz_sza, dtype):
"""Test default limits when SZA is provided."""
from satpy.modifiers.geometry import SunZenithCorrector
comp = SunZenithCorrector(name="sza_test", modifiers=tuple())
res = comp((data_arr.astype(dtype), sunz_sza.astype(dtype)), test_attr="test")
expected = np.array([[22.401667, 22.31777], [22.437503, 22.353533]], dtype=dtype)
values = res.values
np.testing.assert_allclose(values, expected)
assert res.dtype == dtype
assert values.dtype == dtype
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, np.float64])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("data_arr", [lazy_fixture("sunz_ds1"), lazy_fixture("sunz_ds1_stacked")])
def test_basic_lims_provided(self, data_arr, sunz_sza, dtype):
"""Test custom limits when SZA is provided."""
from satpy.modifiers.geometry import SunZenithCorrector
comp = SunZenithCorrector(name="sza_test", modifiers=tuple(), correction_limit=90)
res = comp((data_arr.astype(dtype), sunz_sza.astype(dtype)), test_attr="test")
expected = np.array([[66.853262, 68.168939], [66.30742, 67.601493]], dtype=dtype)
values = res.values
np.testing.assert_allclose(values, expected, rtol=1e-5)
assert res.dtype == dtype
assert values.dtype == dtype
def test_imcompatible_areas(self, sunz_ds2, sunz_sza):
"""Test sunz correction on incompatible areas."""
from satpy.composites import IncompatibleAreas
from satpy.modifiers.geometry import SunZenithCorrector
comp = SunZenithCorrector(name="sza_test", modifiers=tuple(), correction_limit=90)
with pytest.raises(IncompatibleAreas):
comp((sunz_ds2, sunz_sza), test_attr="test")
class TestSunZenithReducer:
"""Test case for the sun zenith reducer."""
def setup_class(cls):
"""Initialze SunZenithReducer classes that shall be tested."""
from satpy.modifiers.geometry import SunZenithReducer
cls.default = SunZenithReducer(name="sza_reduction_test_default", modifiers=tuple())
cls.custom = SunZenithReducer(name="sza_reduction_test_custom", modifiers=tuple(),
correction_limit=70, max_sza=95, strength=3.0)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, np.float64])
def test_default_settings(self, sunz_ds1, sunz_sza, dtype):
"""Test default settings with sza data available."""
res = self.default((sunz_ds1.astype(dtype), sunz_sza.astype(dtype)), test_attr="test")
expected = np.array([[0.02916261, 0.02839063], [0.02949383, 0.02871911]], dtype=dtype)
assert res.dtype == dtype
values = res.values
assert values.dtype == dtype
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, np.float64])
def test_custom_settings(self, sunz_ds1, sunz_sza, dtype):
"""Test custom settings with sza data available."""
res = self.custom((sunz_ds1.astype(dtype), sunz_sza.astype(dtype)), test_attr="test")
expected = np.array([[0.01041319, 0.01030033], [0.01046164, 0.01034834]], dtype=dtype)
assert res.dtype == dtype
values = res.values
assert values.dtype == dtype
def test_invalid_max_sza(self, sunz_ds1, sunz_sza):
"""Test invalid max_sza with sza data available."""
from satpy.modifiers.geometry import SunZenithReducer
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`max_sza` must be defined when using the SunZenithReducer."):
SunZenithReducer(name="sza_reduction_test_invalid", modifiers=tuple(), max_sza=None)
class TestNIRReflectance(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test NIR reflectance compositor."""
def setUp(self):
"""Set up the test case for the NIRReflectance compositor."""
self.get_lonlats = mock.MagicMock()
self.lons, self.lats = 1, 2
self.get_lonlats.return_value = (self.lons, self.lats)
area = mock.MagicMock(get_lonlats=self.get_lonlats)
self.start_time = 1
self.metadata = {"platform_name": "Meteosat-11",
"sensor": "seviri",
"name": "IR_039",
"area": area,
"start_time": self.start_time}
nir_arr = RANDOM_GEN.random((2, 2))
self.nir = xr.DataArray(da.from_array(nir_arr), dims=["y", "x"])
ir_arr = 100 * RANDOM_GEN.random((2, 2))
self.ir_ = xr.DataArray(da.from_array(ir_arr), dims=["y", "x"])
self.ir_.attrs["area"] = area
self.sunz_arr = 100 * RANDOM_GEN.random((2, 2))
self.sunz = xr.DataArray(da.from_array(self.sunz_arr), dims=["y", "x"])
self.sunz.attrs["standard_name"] = "solar_zenith_angle"
self.sunz.attrs["area"] = area
self.da_sunz = da.from_array(self.sunz_arr)
refl_arr = RANDOM_GEN.random((2, 2))
self.refl = da.from_array(refl_arr)
self.refl_with_co2 = da.from_array(RANDOM_GEN.random((2, 2)))
self.refl_from_tbs = mock.MagicMock()
self.refl_from_tbs.side_effect = self.fake_refl_from_tbs
def fake_refl_from_tbs(self, sun_zenith, da_nir, da_tb11, tb_ir_co2=None):
"""Fake refl_from_tbs."""
del sun_zenith, da_nir, da_tb11
if tb_ir_co2 is not None:
return self.refl_with_co2
return self.refl
def test_provide_sunz_no_co2(self, calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza):
"""Test NIR reflectance compositor provided only sunz."""
calculator.return_value = mock.MagicMock(
sza.return_value = self.da_sunz
from satpy.modifiers.spectral import NIRReflectance
comp = NIRReflectance(name="test")
info = {"modifiers": None}
res = comp([self.nir, self.ir_], optional_datasets=[self.sunz], **info)
assert self.metadata.items() <= res.attrs.items()
assert res.attrs["units"] == "%"
assert res.attrs["sun_zenith_threshold"] is not None
assert np.allclose(res.data, self.refl * 100).compute()
def test_no_sunz_no_co2(self, calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza):
"""Test NIR reflectance compositor with minimal parameters."""
calculator.return_value = mock.MagicMock(
sza.return_value = self.da_sunz
from satpy.modifiers.spectral import NIRReflectance
comp = NIRReflectance(name="test")
info = {"modifiers": None}
res = comp([self.nir, self.ir_], optional_datasets=[], **info)
# due to copying of DataArrays, self.get_lonlats is not the same as the one that was called
# we must used the area from the final result DataArray
res.attrs["area"].get_lonlats.assert_called_with(chunks=((2,), (2,)), dtype=self.nir.dtype)
sza.assert_called_with(self.start_time, self.lons, self.lats)
self.refl_from_tbs.assert_called_with(self.da_sunz, self.nir.data, self.ir_.data, tb_ir_co2=None)
assert np.allclose(res.data, self.refl * 100).compute()
def test_no_sunz_with_co2(self, calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza):
"""Test NIR reflectance compositor provided extra co2 info."""
calculator.return_value = mock.MagicMock(
from satpy.modifiers.spectral import NIRReflectance
sza.return_value = self.da_sunz
comp = NIRReflectance(name="test")
info = {"modifiers": None}
co2_arr = RANDOM_GEN.random((2, 2))
co2 = xr.DataArray(da.from_array(co2_arr), dims=["y", "x"])
co2.attrs["wavelength"] = [12.0, 13.0, 14.0]
co2.attrs["units"] = "K"
res = comp([self.nir, self.ir_], optional_datasets=[co2], **info)
self.refl_from_tbs.assert_called_with(self.da_sunz, self.nir.data, self.ir_.data, tb_ir_co2=co2.data)
assert np.allclose(res.data, self.refl_with_co2 * 100).compute()
def test_provide_sunz_and_threshold(self, calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza):
"""Test NIR reflectance compositor provided sunz and a sunz threshold."""
calculator.return_value = mock.MagicMock(
from satpy.modifiers.spectral import NIRReflectance
sza.return_value = self.da_sunz
comp = NIRReflectance(name="test", sunz_threshold=84.0)
info = {"modifiers": None}
res = comp([self.nir, self.ir_], optional_datasets=[self.sunz], **info)
assert res.attrs["sun_zenith_threshold"] == 84.0
calculator.assert_called_with("Meteosat-11", "seviri", "IR_039",
sunz_threshold=84.0, masking_limit=NIRReflectance.MASKING_LIMIT)
def test_sunz_threshold_default_value_is_not_none(self, calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza):
"""Check that sun_zenith_threshold is not None."""
from satpy.modifiers.spectral import NIRReflectance
comp = NIRReflectance(name="test")
info = {"modifiers": None}
calculator.return_value = mock.MagicMock(
comp([self.nir, self.ir_], optional_datasets=[self.sunz], **info)
assert comp.sun_zenith_threshold is not None
def test_provide_masking_limit(self, calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza):
"""Test NIR reflectance compositor provided sunz and a sunz threshold."""
calculator.return_value = mock.MagicMock(
from satpy.modifiers.spectral import NIRReflectance
sza.return_value = self.da_sunz
comp = NIRReflectance(name="test", masking_limit=None)
info = {"modifiers": None}
res = comp([self.nir, self.ir_], optional_datasets=[self.sunz], **info)
assert res.attrs["sun_zenith_masking_limit"] is None
calculator.assert_called_with("Meteosat-11", "seviri", "IR_039",
sunz_threshold=NIRReflectance.TERMINATOR_LIMIT, masking_limit=None)
def test_masking_limit_default_value_is_not_none(self, calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza):
"""Check that sun_zenith_threshold is not None."""
from satpy.modifiers.spectral import NIRReflectance
comp = NIRReflectance(name="test")
info = {"modifiers": None}
calculator.return_value = mock.MagicMock(
comp([self.nir, self.ir_], optional_datasets=[self.sunz], **info)
assert comp.masking_limit is not None
class TestNIREmissivePartFromReflectance(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the NIR Emissive part from reflectance compositor."""
def test_compositor(self, calculator, apply_modifier_info, sza):
"""Test the NIR emissive part from reflectance compositor."""
from satpy.modifiers.spectral import NIRReflectance
refl_arr = RANDOM_GEN.random((2, 2))
refl = da.from_array(refl_arr)
refl_from_tbs = mock.MagicMock()
refl_from_tbs.return_value = refl
calculator.return_value = mock.MagicMock(reflectance_from_tbs=refl_from_tbs)
emissive_arr = RANDOM_GEN.random((2, 2))
emissive = da.from_array(emissive_arr)
emissive_part = mock.MagicMock()
emissive_part.return_value = emissive
calculator.return_value = mock.MagicMock(emissive_part_3x=emissive_part)
from satpy.modifiers.spectral import NIREmissivePartFromReflectance
comp = NIREmissivePartFromReflectance(name="test", sunz_threshold=86.0)
info = {"modifiers": None}
platform = "NOAA-20"
sensor = "viirs"
chan_name = "M12"
get_lonlats = mock.MagicMock()
lons, lats = 1, 2
get_lonlats.return_value = (lons, lats)
area = mock.MagicMock(get_lonlats=get_lonlats)
nir_arr = RANDOM_GEN.random((2, 2))
nir = xr.DataArray(da.from_array(nir_arr), dims=["y", "x"])
nir.attrs["platform_name"] = platform
nir.attrs["sensor"] = sensor
nir.attrs["name"] = chan_name
nir.attrs["area"] = area
ir_arr = RANDOM_GEN.random((2, 2))
ir_ = xr.DataArray(da.from_array(ir_arr), dims=["y", "x"])
ir_.attrs["area"] = area
sunz_arr = 100 * RANDOM_GEN.random((2, 2))
sunz = xr.DataArray(da.from_array(sunz_arr), dims=["y", "x"])
sunz.attrs["standard_name"] = "solar_zenith_angle"
sunz.attrs["area"] = area
sunz2 = da.from_array(sunz_arr)
sza.return_value = sunz2
res = comp([nir, ir_], optional_datasets=[sunz], **info)
assert res.attrs["sun_zenith_threshold"] == 86.0
assert res.attrs["units"] == "K"
assert res.attrs["platform_name"] == platform
assert res.attrs["sensor"] == sensor
assert res.attrs["name"] == chan_name
calculator.assert_called_with("NOAA-20", "viirs", "M12", sunz_threshold=86.0,
class TestPSPRayleighReflectance:
"""Test the pyspectral-based Rayleigh correction modifier."""
def _make_data_area(self):
"""Create test area definition and data."""
rows = 3
cols = 5
area = AreaDefinition(
"some_area_name", "On-the-fly area", "geosabii",
{"a": "6378137.0", "b": "6356752.31414", "h": "35786023.0", "lon_0": "-89.5", "proj": "geos", "sweep": "x",
"units": "m"},
cols, rows,
(-5434894.954752679, -5434894.964451744, 5434894.964451744, 5434894.954752679))
data = np.zeros((rows, cols)) + 25
data[1, :] += 25
data[2, :] += 50
data = da.from_array(data, chunks=2)
return area, data
def _create_test_data(self, name, wavelength, resolution):
area, dnb = self._make_data_area()
input_band = xr.DataArray(dnb,
dims=("y", "x"),
"platform_name": "Himawari-8",
"calibration": "reflectance", "units": "%", "wavelength": wavelength,
"name": name, "resolution": resolution, "sensor": "ahi",
"start_time": "2017-09-20 17:30:40.800000",
"end_time": "2017-09-20 17:41:17.500000",
"area": area, "ancillary_variables": [],
"orbital_parameters": {
"satellite_nominal_longitude": -89.5,
"satellite_nominal_latitude": 0.0,
"satellite_nominal_altitude": 35786023.4375,
red_band = xr.DataArray(dnb,
dims=("y", "x"),
"platform_name": "Himawari-8",
"calibration": "reflectance", "units": "%", "wavelength": (0.62, 0.64, 0.66),
"name": "B03", "resolution": 500, "sensor": "ahi",
"start_time": "2017-09-20 17:30:40.800000",
"end_time": "2017-09-20 17:41:17.500000",
"area": area, "ancillary_variables": [],
"orbital_parameters": {
"satellite_nominal_longitude": -89.5,
"satellite_nominal_latitude": 0.0,
"satellite_nominal_altitude": 35786023.4375,
fake_angle_data = da.ones_like(dnb, dtype=np.float32) * 90.0
angle1 = xr.DataArray(fake_angle_data,
dims=("y", "x"),
"platform_name": "Himawari-8",
"calibration": "reflectance", "units": "%", "wavelength": wavelength,
"name": "satellite_azimuth_angle", "resolution": resolution, "sensor": "ahi",
"start_time": "2017-09-20 17:30:40.800000",
"end_time": "2017-09-20 17:41:17.500000",
"area": area, "ancillary_variables": [],
return input_band, red_band, angle1, angle1, angle1, angle1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, np.float64])
("name", "wavelength", "resolution", "aerosol_type", "reduce_lim_low", "reduce_lim_high", "reduce_strength",
"exp_mean", "exp_unique"),
("B01", (0.45, 0.47, 0.49), 1000, "rayleigh_only", 70, 95, 1, 41.540239,
np.array([9.22630464, 10.67844368, 13.58057226, 37.92186549, 40.13822472, 44.66259518,
44.92748445, 45.03917091, 69.5821722, 70.11226943, 71.07352559])),
("B02", (0.49, 0.51, 0.53), 1000, "rayleigh_only", 70, 95, 1, 43.663805,
np.array([13.15770104, 14.26526104, 16.49084485, 40.88633902, 42.60682921, 46.04288,
46.2356062, 46.28276282, 70.92799823, 71.33561614, 72.07001693])),
("B03", (0.62, 0.64, 0.66), 500, "rayleigh_only", 70, 95, 1, 46.916187,
np.array([19.22922328, 19.76884762, 20.91027446, 45.51075967, 46.39925968, 48.10221156,
48.15715058, 48.18698356, 73.01115816, 73.21552816, 73.58666477])),
("B01", (0.45, 0.47, 0.49), 1000, "rayleigh_only", -95, -70, -1, 41.540239,
np.array([9.22630464, 10.67844368, 13.58057226, 37.92186549, 40.13822472, 44.66259518,
44.92748445, 45.03917091, 69.5821722, 70.11226943, 71.07352559])),
def test_rayleigh_corrector(self, name, wavelength, resolution, aerosol_type, reduce_lim_low, reduce_lim_high,
reduce_strength, exp_mean, exp_unique, dtype):
"""Test PSPRayleighReflectance with fake data."""
from satpy.modifiers.atmosphere import PSPRayleighReflectance
ray_cor = PSPRayleighReflectance(name=name, atmosphere="us-standard", aerosol_types=aerosol_type,
reduce_lim_low=reduce_lim_low, reduce_lim_high=reduce_lim_high,
assert ray_cor.attrs["name"] == name
assert ray_cor.attrs["atmosphere"] == "us-standard"
assert ray_cor.attrs["aerosol_types"] == aerosol_type
assert ray_cor.attrs["reduce_lim_low"] == reduce_lim_low
assert ray_cor.attrs["reduce_lim_high"] == reduce_lim_high
assert ray_cor.attrs["reduce_strength"] == reduce_strength
input_band, red_band, *_ = self._create_test_data(name, wavelength, resolution)
res = ray_cor([input_band.astype(dtype), red_band.astype(dtype)])
assert isinstance(res, xr.DataArray)
assert isinstance(res.data, da.Array)
assert res.dtype == dtype
data = res.values
unique = np.unique(data[~np.isnan(data)])
np.testing.assert_allclose(np.nanmean(data), exp_mean, rtol=1e-5)
assert data.shape == (3, 5)
np.testing.assert_allclose(unique, exp_unique, rtol=1e-5)
assert data.dtype == dtype
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.float32, np.float64])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("as_optionals", [False, True])
def test_rayleigh_with_angles(self, as_optionals, dtype):
"""Test PSPRayleighReflectance with angles provided."""
from satpy.modifiers.atmosphere import PSPRayleighReflectance
aerosol_type = "rayleigh_only"
ray_cor = PSPRayleighReflectance(name="B01", atmosphere="us-standard", aerosol_types=aerosol_type)
prereqs, opt_prereqs = self._get_angles_prereqs_and_opts(as_optionals, dtype)
with mock.patch("satpy.modifiers.atmosphere.get_angles") as get_angles:
res = ray_cor(prereqs, opt_prereqs)
assert isinstance(res, xr.DataArray)
assert isinstance(res.data, da.Array)
assert res.dtype == dtype
data = res.values
unique = np.unique(data[~np.isnan(data)])
np.testing.assert_allclose(unique, np.array([-75.0, -37.71298492, 31.14350754]), rtol=1e-5)
assert data.shape == (3, 5)
assert data.dtype == dtype
def _get_angles_prereqs_and_opts(self, as_optionals, dtype):
wavelength = (0.45, 0.47, 0.49)
resolution = 1000
input_band, red_band, *angles = self._create_test_data("B01", wavelength, resolution)
prereqs = [input_band.astype(dtype), red_band.astype(dtype)]
opt_prereqs = []
angles = [a.astype(dtype) for a in angles]
if as_optionals:
opt_prereqs = angles
prereqs += angles
return prereqs, opt_prereqs
class TestPSPAtmosphericalCorrection(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the pyspectral-based atmospheric correction modifier."""
def test_call(self):
"""Test atmospherical correction."""
from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition
from satpy.modifiers import PSPAtmosphericalCorrection
# Patch methods
lons = np.zeros((5, 5))
lons[1, 1] = np.inf
lons = da.from_array(lons, chunks=5)
lats = np.zeros((5, 5))
lats[1, 1] = np.inf
lats = da.from_array(lats, chunks=5)
area = SwathDefinition(lons, lats)
stime = dt.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
orb_params = {
"satellite_actual_altitude": 12345678,
"nadir_longitude": 0.0,
"nadir_latitude": 0.0,
band = xr.DataArray(da.zeros((5, 5)),
attrs={"area": area,
"start_time": stime,
"name": "name",
"platform_name": "platform",
"sensor": "sensor",
"orbital_parameters": orb_params},
dims=("y", "x"))
# Perform atmospherical correction
psp = PSPAtmosphericalCorrection(name="dummy")
res = psp(projectables=[band])