Source code for satpy.tests.test_demo

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy.  If not, see <>.
"""Tests for the satpy.demo module."""
from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import io
import os
import sys
import tarfile
import unittest
from collections import defaultdict
from unittest import mock

import pytest

# The following fixtures are not defined in this file, but are used and injected by Pytest:
# - tmp_path
# - tmpdir
# - monkeypatch

[docs] class _GlobHelper(object): """Create side effect function for mocking gcsfs glob method.""" def __init__(self, num_results): """Initialize side_effect function for mocking gcsfs glob method. Args: num_results (int or list): Number of results for each glob call to return. If a list then number of results per call. The last number is used for any additional calls. """ self.current_call = 0 if not isinstance(num_results, (list, tuple)): num_results = [num_results] self.num_results = num_results def __call__(self, pattern): """Mimic glob by being used as the side effect function.""" try: num_results = self.num_results[self.current_call] except IndexError: num_results = self.num_results[-1] self.current_call += 1 return [pattern + ".{:03d}".format(idx) for idx in range(num_results)]
[docs] class TestDemo(unittest.TestCase): """Test demo data download functions."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Create temporary directory to save files to.""" import tempfile self.base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.prev_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.base_dir)
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Remove the temporary directory created for a test.""" os.chdir(self.prev_dir) try: import shutil shutil.rmtree(self.base_dir, ignore_errors=True) except OSError: pass
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.demo._google_cloud_platform.gcsfs") def test_get_us_midlatitude_cyclone_abi(self, gcsfs_mod): """Test data download function.""" from satpy.demo import get_us_midlatitude_cyclone_abi gcsfs_mod.GCSFileSystem = mock.MagicMock() gcsfs_inst = mock.MagicMock() gcsfs_mod.GCSFileSystem.return_value = gcsfs_inst gcsfs_inst.glob.return_value = ["", ""] # expected 16 files, got 2 with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): get_us_midlatitude_cyclone_abi() # unknown access method with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): get_us_midlatitude_cyclone_abi(method="unknown") gcsfs_inst.glob.return_value = [""] * 16 filenames = get_us_midlatitude_cyclone_abi() expected = os.path.join(".", "abi_l1b", "20190314_us_midlatitude_cyclone", "") for fn in filenames: assert expected == fn
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.demo._google_cloud_platform.gcsfs") def test_get_hurricane_florence_abi(self, gcsfs_mod): """Test data download function.""" from satpy.demo import get_hurricane_florence_abi gcsfs_mod.GCSFileSystem = mock.MagicMock() gcsfs_inst = mock.MagicMock() gcsfs_mod.GCSFileSystem.return_value = gcsfs_inst # only return 5 results total gcsfs_inst.glob.side_effect = _GlobHelper([5, 0]) # expected 16 files * 10 frames, got 16 * 5 with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): get_hurricane_florence_abi() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): get_hurricane_florence_abi(method="unknown") gcsfs_inst.glob.side_effect = _GlobHelper([int(240 / 16), 0, 0, 0] * 16) filenames = get_hurricane_florence_abi() assert 10 * 16 == len(filenames) gcsfs_inst.glob.side_effect = _GlobHelper([int(240 / 16), 0, 0, 0] * 16) filenames = get_hurricane_florence_abi(channels=[2, 3, 4]) assert 10 * 3 == len(filenames) gcsfs_inst.glob.side_effect = _GlobHelper([int(240 / 16), 0, 0, 0] * 16) filenames = get_hurricane_florence_abi(channels=[2, 3, 4], num_frames=5) assert 5 * 3 == len(filenames) gcsfs_inst.glob.side_effect = _GlobHelper([int(240 / 16), 0, 0, 0] * 16) filenames = get_hurricane_florence_abi(num_frames=5) assert 5 * 16 == len(filenames)
[docs] class TestGCPUtils(unittest.TestCase): """Test Google Cloud Platform utilities."""
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.demo._google_cloud_platform.urlopen") def test_is_gcp_instance(self, uo): """Test is_google_cloud_instance.""" from satpy.demo._google_cloud_platform import URLError, is_google_cloud_instance uo.side_effect = URLError("Test Environment") assert not is_google_cloud_instance()
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.demo._google_cloud_platform.gcsfs") def test_get_bucket_files(self, gcsfs_mod): """Test get_bucket_files basic cases.""" from satpy.demo._google_cloud_platform import get_bucket_files gcsfs_mod.GCSFileSystem = mock.MagicMock() gcsfs_inst = mock.MagicMock() gcsfs_mod.GCSFileSystem.return_value = gcsfs_inst gcsfs_inst.glob.return_value = ["", ""] filenames = get_bucket_files("*.nc", ".") expected = [os.path.join(".", ""), os.path.join(".", "")] assert expected == filenames gcsfs_inst.glob.side_effect = _GlobHelper(10) filenames = get_bucket_files(["*.nc", "*.txt"], ".", pattern_slice=slice(2, 5)) assert len(filenames) == 3 * 2 gcsfs_inst.glob.side_effect = None # reset mock side effect gcsfs_inst.glob.return_value = ["", ""] with pytest.raises(OSError, match="Directory does not exist: does_not_exist"): get_bucket_files("*.nc", "does_not_exist") open("", "w").close() # touch the file gcsfs_inst.get.reset_mock() gcsfs_inst.glob.return_value = [""] filenames = get_bucket_files("*.nc", ".") assert [os.path.join(".", "")] == filenames gcsfs_inst.get.assert_not_called() # force redownload gcsfs_inst.get.reset_mock() gcsfs_inst.glob.return_value = [""] filenames = get_bucket_files("*.nc", ".", force=True) assert [os.path.join(".", "")] == filenames gcsfs_inst.get.assert_called_once() # if we don't get any results then we expect an exception gcsfs_inst.get.reset_mock() gcsfs_inst.glob.return_value = [] with pytest.raises(OSError, match="No files could be found or downloaded."): get_bucket_files("*.nc", ".")
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.demo._google_cloud_platform.gcsfs", None) def test_no_gcsfs(self): """Test that 'gcsfs' is required.""" from satpy.demo._google_cloud_platform import get_bucket_files with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): get_bucket_files("*.nc", ".")
[docs] class TestAHIDemoDownload: """Test the AHI demo data download."""
[docs] @mock.patch.dict(sys.modules, {"s3fs": mock.MagicMock()}) def test_ahi_full_download(self): """Test that the himawari download works as expected.""" from tempfile import gettempdir from satpy.demo import download_typhoon_surigae_ahi files = download_typhoon_surigae_ahi(base_dir=gettempdir()) assert len(files) == 160
[docs] @mock.patch.dict(sys.modules, {"s3fs": mock.MagicMock()}) def test_ahi_partial_download(self): """Test that the himawari download works as expected.""" from tempfile import gettempdir from satpy.demo import download_typhoon_surigae_ahi files = download_typhoon_surigae_ahi(base_dir=gettempdir(), segments=[4, 9], channels=[1, 2, 3]) assert len(files) == 6
[docs] def _create_and_populate_dummy_tarfile(fn): """Populate a dummy tarfile with dummy files.""" fn.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with, mode="x:gz") as tf: for i in range(3): with open(f"fci-rc{i:d}", "w"): pass tf.addfile(tf.gettarinfo(name=f"fci-rc{i:d}"))
[docs] def test_fci_download(tmp_path, monkeypatch): """Test download of FCI test data.""" from satpy.demo import download_fci_test_data monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) def fake_download_url(url, nm): """Create a dummy tarfile. Create a dummy tarfile. Intended as a drop-in replacement for demo.utils.download_url. """ _create_and_populate_dummy_tarfile(nm) with mock.patch("satpy.demo.fci.utils.download_url", new=fake_download_url): files = download_fci_test_data(tmp_path) assert len(files) == 3 assert files == ["fci-rc0", "fci-rc1", "fci-rc2"] for f in files: assert os.path.exists(f)
[docs] class _FakeRequest: """Fake object to act like a requests return value when downloading a file.""" requests_log: list[str] = [] def __init__(self, url, stream=None, timeout=None): self._filename = os.path.basename(url) self.headers = {} self.requests_log.append(url) del stream # just mimicking requests 'get' del timeout # just mimicking requests 'get' def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return
[docs] def raise_for_status(self): return
[docs] def _get_fake_bytesio(self): filelike_obj = io.BytesIO() filelike_obj.write(self._filename.encode("ascii")) return filelike_obj
[docs] def iter_content(self, chunk_size): """Return generator of 'chunk_size' at a time.""" bytes_io = self._get_fake_bytesio() x = while x: yield x x =
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.demo.utils.requests") class TestVIIRSSDRDemoDownload: """Test VIIRS SDR downloading.""" ALL_BAND_PREFIXES = ("SVI01", "SVI02", "SVI03", "SVI04", "SVI05", "SVM01", "SVM02", "SVM03", "SVM04", "SVM05", "SVM06", "SVM07", "SVM08", "SVM09", "SVM10", "SVM11", "SVM12", "SVM13", "SVM14", "SVM15", "SVM16", "SVDNB") ALL_GEO_PREFIXES = ("GITCO", "GMTCO", "GDNBO")
[docs] def test_download(self, requests, tmpdir): """Test downloading VIIRS SDR data.""" from satpy.demo import get_viirs_sdr_20170128_1229 requests.get.side_effect = _FakeRequest with mock_filesystem(): files = get_viirs_sdr_20170128_1229(base_dir=str(tmpdir)) assert len(files) == 10 * (16 + 5 + 1 + 3) # 10 granules * (5 I bands + 16 M bands + 1 DNB + 3 geolocation) self._assert_bands_in_filenames_and_contents(self.ALL_BAND_PREFIXES + self.ALL_GEO_PREFIXES, files, 10)
[docs] def test_do_not_download_the_files_twice(self, requests, tmpdir): """Test re-downloading VIIRS SDR data.""" from satpy.demo import get_viirs_sdr_20170128_1229 get_mock = mock.MagicMock() requests.get.return_value.__enter__ = get_mock with mock_filesystem(): files = get_viirs_sdr_20170128_1229(base_dir=str(tmpdir)) new_files = get_viirs_sdr_20170128_1229(base_dir=str(tmpdir)) total_num_files = 10 * (16 + 5 + 1 + 3) # 10 granules * (5 I bands + 16 M bands + 1 DNB + 3 geolocation) assert len(new_files) == total_num_files assert get_mock.call_count == total_num_files assert new_files == files
[docs] def test_download_channels_num_granules_im(self, requests, tmpdir): """Test downloading VIIRS SDR I/M data with select granules.""" from satpy.demo import get_viirs_sdr_20170128_1229 requests.get.side_effect = _FakeRequest with mock_filesystem(): files = get_viirs_sdr_20170128_1229(base_dir=str(tmpdir), channels=("I01", "M01")) assert len(files) == 10 * (1 + 1 + 2) # 10 granules * (1 I band + 1 M band + 2 geolocation) self._assert_bands_in_filenames_and_contents(("SVI01", "SVM01", "GITCO", "GMTCO"), files, 10)
[docs] def test_download_channels_num_granules_im_twice(self, requests, tmpdir): """Test re-downloading VIIRS SDR I/M data with select granules.""" from satpy.demo import get_viirs_sdr_20170128_1229 get_mock = mock.MagicMock() requests.get.return_value.__enter__ = get_mock with mock_filesystem(): files = get_viirs_sdr_20170128_1229(base_dir=str(tmpdir), channels=("I01", "M01")) num_first_batch = 10 * (1 + 1 + 2) # 10 granules * (1 I band + 1 M band + 2 geolocation) assert len(files) == num_first_batch files = get_viirs_sdr_20170128_1229(base_dir=str(tmpdir), channels=("I01", "M01"), granules=(2, 3)) assert len(files) == 2 * (1 + 1 + 2) # 2 granules * (1 I band + 1 M band + 2 geolocation) assert get_mock.call_count == num_first_batch
[docs] def test_download_channels_num_granules_dnb(self, requests, tmpdir): """Test downloading and re-downloading VIIRS SDR DNB data with select granules.""" from satpy.demo import get_viirs_sdr_20170128_1229 requests.get.side_effect = _FakeRequest with mock_filesystem(): files = get_viirs_sdr_20170128_1229(base_dir=str(tmpdir), channels=("DNB",), granules=(5, 6, 7, 8, 9)) assert len(files) == 5 * (1 + 1) # 5 granules * (1 DNB + 1 geolocation) self._assert_bands_in_filenames_and_contents(("SVDNB", "GDNBO"), files, 5)
[docs] def _assert_bands_in_filenames_and_contents(self, band_prefixes, filenames, num_files_per_band): self._assert_bands_in_filenames(band_prefixes, filenames, num_files_per_band) self._assert_file_contents(filenames)
[docs] @staticmethod def _assert_bands_in_filenames(band_prefixes, filenames, num_files_per_band): for band_name in band_prefixes: files_for_band = [x for x in filenames if band_name in x] assert files_for_band assert len(set(files_for_band)) == num_files_per_band
[docs] @staticmethod def _assert_file_contents(filenames): for fn in filenames: with open(fn, "rb") as fake_hdf5_file: assert"ascii") == os.path.basename(fn)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def mock_filesystem(): """Create a mock filesystem, patching `open` and `os.path.isfile`.""" class FakeFile: """Fake file based on BytesIO.""" def __init__(self): = io.BytesIO() def __enter__(self): return def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): fake_fs = defaultdict(FakeFile) mo = mock.mock_open() def fun(filename, *args, **kwargs): return fake_fs[filename] mo.side_effect = fun with mock.patch("", mo): with mock.patch("os.path.isfile") as isfile: isfile.side_effect = (lambda target: target in fake_fs) yield
[docs] def test_fs(): """Test the mock filesystem.""" with mock_filesystem(): with open("somefile", "w") as fd: fd.write(b"bla") with open("someotherfile", "w") as fd: fd.write(b"bli") with open("somefile", "r") as fd: assert == b"bla" with open("someotherfile", "r") as fd: assert == b"bli" assert os.path.isfile("somefile") assert not os.path.isfile("missingfile")
[docs] class TestSEVIRIHRITDemoDownload(unittest.TestCase): """Test case for downloading an hrit tarball."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set up the test case.""" from satpy.demo.seviri_hrit import generate_subset_of_filenames self.subdir = os.path.join(".", "seviri_hrit", "20180228_1500") self.files = generate_subset_of_filenames(base_dir=self.subdir) self.patcher = mock.patch("satpy.demo.utils.requests.get", autospec=True) self.get_mock = self.patcher.start() _FakeRequest.requests_log = []
[docs] def tearDown(self): """Tear down the test case.""" self.patcher.stop()
[docs] def test_download_gets_files_with_contents(self): """Test downloading SEVIRI HRIT data with content.""" from satpy.demo import download_seviri_hrit_20180228_1500 self.get_mock.side_effect = _FakeRequest with mock_filesystem(): files = download_seviri_hrit_20180228_1500() assert len(files) == 114 assert set(files) == set(self.files) for the_file in files: with open(the_file, mode="r") as fd: assert"utf8") == os.path.basename(the_file)
[docs] def test_download_from_zenodo(self): """Test downloading SEVIRI HRIT data from zenodo.""" from satpy.demo import download_seviri_hrit_20180228_1500 self.get_mock.side_effect = _FakeRequest with mock_filesystem(): download_seviri_hrit_20180228_1500() assert _FakeRequest.requests_log[0].startswith("")
[docs] def test_download_a_subset_of_files(self): """Test downloading a subset of files.""" from satpy.demo import download_seviri_hrit_20180228_1500 with mock_filesystem(): files = download_seviri_hrit_20180228_1500(subset={"HRV": [1, 2, 3], "IR_108": [1, 2], "EPI": None}) assert set(files) == set(os.path.join(self.subdir, filename) for filename in [ "H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-_________-EPI______-201802281500-__", "H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-HRV______-000001___-201802281500-__", "H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-HRV______-000002___-201802281500-__", "H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-HRV______-000003___-201802281500-__", "H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-IR_108___-000001___-201802281500-__", "H-000-MSG4__-MSG4________-IR_108___-000002___-201802281500-__", ])
[docs] def test_do_not_download_same_file_twice(self): """Test that files are not downloaded twice.""" from satpy.demo import download_seviri_hrit_20180228_1500 get_mock = mock.MagicMock() self.get_mock.return_value.__enter__ = get_mock with mock_filesystem(): files = download_seviri_hrit_20180228_1500(subset={"HRV": [1, 2, 3], "IR_108": [1, 2], "EPI": None}) new_files = download_seviri_hrit_20180228_1500(subset={"HRV": [1, 2, 3], "IR_108": [1, 2], "EPI": None}) assert set(files) == set(new_files) assert get_mock.call_count == 6
[docs] def test_download_to_output_directory(self): """Test downloading to an output directory.""" from tempfile import gettempdir from satpy.demo import download_seviri_hrit_20180228_1500 with mock_filesystem(): base_dir = gettempdir() files = download_seviri_hrit_20180228_1500(base_dir=base_dir) assert files[0].startswith(base_dir)