Source code for satpy.tests.test_config

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# satpy.  If not, see <>.
"""Test objects and functions in the satpy.config module."""
from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import os
import sys
import unittest
from importlib.metadata import EntryPoint
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Iterator
from unittest import mock

import pytest

import satpy
from satpy import DatasetDict
from satpy._config import cached_entry_point
from satpy.composites.config_loader import load_compositor_configs_for_sensors

# The following fixtures are not defined in this file, but are used and injected by Pytest:
# - tmp_path

[docs] class TestBuiltinAreas(unittest.TestCase): """Test that the builtin areas are all valid."""
[docs] def test_areas_pyproj(self): """Test all areas have valid projections with pyproj.""" import numpy as np import pyproj import xarray as xr from pyresample import parse_area_file from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition from satpy.resample import get_area_file lons = np.array([[0, 0.1, 0.2], [0.05, 0.15, 0.25]]) lats = np.array([[0, 0.1, 0.2], [0.05, 0.15, 0.25]]) lons = xr.DataArray(lons) lats = xr.DataArray(lats) swath_def = SwathDefinition(lons, lats) all_areas = parse_area_file(get_area_file()) for area_obj in all_areas: if hasattr(area_obj, "freeze"): try: area_obj = area_obj.freeze(lonslats=swath_def) except RuntimeError: # we didn't provide enough info to freeze, hard to guess # in a generic test so just skip this area continue _ = pyproj.Proj(
[docs] def test_areas_rasterio(self): """Test all areas have valid projections with rasterio.""" try: from import CRS except ImportError: return unittest.skip("Missing rasterio dependency") if not hasattr(CRS, "from_dict"): return unittest.skip("RasterIO 1.0+ required") import numpy as np import xarray as xr from pyresample import parse_area_file from pyresample.geometry import SwathDefinition from satpy.resample import get_area_file lons = np.array([[0, 0.1, 0.2], [0.05, 0.15, 0.25]]) lats = np.array([[0, 0.1, 0.2], [0.05, 0.15, 0.25]]) lons = xr.DataArray(lons) lats = xr.DataArray(lats) swath_def = SwathDefinition(lons, lats) all_areas = parse_area_file(get_area_file()) for area_obj in all_areas: if hasattr(area_obj, "freeze"): try: area_obj = area_obj.freeze(lonslats=swath_def) except RuntimeError: # we didn't provide enough info to freeze, hard to guess # in a generic test so just skip this area continue _ = CRS.from_user_input(
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def fake_plugin_etc_path( tmp_path: Path, entry_point_names: dict[str, list[str]], ) -> Iterator[Path]: """Create a fake satpy plugin entry point. This mocks the necessary methods to trick Satpy into thinking a plugin package is installed and has made a satpy plugin available. """ etc_path, entry_points, module_paths = _get_entry_points_and_etc_paths(tmp_path, entry_point_names) fake_iter_entry_points = _create_fake_iter_entry_points(entry_points) fake_importlib_files = _create_fake_importlib_files(module_paths) with mock.patch("satpy._config.entry_points", fake_iter_entry_points), \ mock.patch("satpy._config.impr_files", fake_importlib_files): yield etc_path
[docs] def _get_entry_points_and_etc_paths( tmp_path: Path, entry_point_names: dict[str, list[str]] ) -> tuple[Path, dict[str, list[EntryPoint]], dict[str, Path]]: module_path = tmp_path / "satpy_plugin" etc_path = module_path / "etc" etc_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) entry_points: dict[str, list[EntryPoint]] = {} entry_point_module_paths: dict[str, Path] = {} for ep_group, entry_point_values in entry_point_names.items(): entry_points[ep_group] = [] for entry_point_value in entry_point_values: parts = [part.strip() for part in entry_point_value.split("=")] ep_name = parts[0] ep_value = parts[1] ep_module = ep_value.split(":")[0].strip() ep = EntryPoint(name=ep_name, group=ep_group, value=ep_value) entry_points[ep_group].append(ep) entry_point_module_paths[ep_module] = module_path return etc_path, entry_points, entry_point_module_paths
[docs] def _create_fake_iter_entry_points(entry_points: dict[str, list[EntryPoint]]) -> Callable[[], dict[str, EntryPoint]]: def _fake_iter_entry_points() -> dict: return entry_points return _fake_iter_entry_points
[docs] def _create_fake_importlib_files(module_paths: dict[str, Path]) -> Callable[[str], Path]: def _fake_importlib_files(module_name: str) -> Path: return module_paths[module_name] return _fake_importlib_files
[docs] @pytest.fixture def fake_composite_plugin_etc_path(tmp_path: Path) -> Iterator[Path]: """Create a fake plugin entry point with a fake compositor YAML configuration file.""" yield from _create_yamlbased_plugin( tmp_path, "composites", "fake_sensor.yaml", _write_fake_composite_yaml, )
[docs] def _write_fake_composite_yaml(yaml_filename: str) -> None: with open(yaml_filename, "w") as comps_file: comps_file.write(""" sensor_name: visir/fake_sensor composites: fake_composite: compositor: !!python/name:satpy.composites.GenericCompositor prerequisites: - 3.9 - 10.8 - 12.0 standard_name: fake composite """)
[docs] @pytest.fixture def fake_reader_plugin_etc_path(tmp_path: Path) -> Iterator[Path]: """Create a fake plugin entry point with a fake reader YAML configuration file.""" yield from _create_yamlbased_plugin( tmp_path, "readers", "fake_reader.yaml", _write_fake_reader_yaml, )
[docs] def _write_fake_reader_yaml(yaml_filename: str) -> None: reader_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(yaml_filename))[0] with open(yaml_filename, "w") as comps_file: comps_file.write(f""" reader: name: {reader_name} sensors: [fake_sensor] reader: !!python/name:satpy.readers.yaml_reader.FileYAMLReader datasets: {{}} """)
[docs] @pytest.fixture def fake_writer_plugin_etc_path(tmp_path: Path) -> Iterator[Path]: """Create a fake plugin entry point with a fake writer YAML configuration file.""" yield from _create_yamlbased_plugin( tmp_path, "writers", "fake_writer.yaml", _write_fake_writer_yaml, )
[docs] def _write_fake_writer_yaml(yaml_filename: str) -> None: writer_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(yaml_filename))[0] with open(yaml_filename, "w") as comps_file: comps_file.write(f""" writer: name: {writer_name} writer: !!python/name:satpy.writers.Writer """)
[docs] @pytest.fixture def fake_enh_plugin_etc_path(tmp_path: Path) -> Iterator[Path]: """Create a fake plugin entry point with a fake enhancement YAML configure files. This creates a ``fake_sensor.yaml`` and ``generic.yaml`` enhancement configuration. """ yield from _create_yamlbased_plugin( tmp_path, "enhancements", "fake_sensor.yaml", _write_fake_enh_yamls, )
[docs] def _write_fake_enh_yamls(yaml_filename: str) -> None: with open(yaml_filename, "w") as comps_file: comps_file.write(""" enhancements: some_custom_plugin_enh: name: fake_name operations: - name: stretch method: !!python/name:satpy.enhancements.stretch kwargs: stretch: crude min_stretch: -100.0 max_stretch: 0.0 """) generic_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(yaml_filename), "generic.yaml") with open(generic_filename, "w") as comps_file: comps_file.write(""" enhancements: default: operations: - name: stretch method: !!python/name:satpy.enhancements.stretch kwargs: stretch: crude min_stretch: -1.0 max_stretch: 1.0 """)
[docs] def _create_yamlbased_plugin( tmp_path: Path, component_type: str, yaml_name: str, yaml_func: Callable[[str], None] ) -> Iterator[Path]: entry_point_dict = {f"satpy.{component_type}": [f"example_{component_type} = satpy_plugin"]} with fake_plugin_etc_path(tmp_path, entry_point_dict) as plugin_etc_path: comps_dir = os.path.join(plugin_etc_path, component_type) os.makedirs(comps_dir, exist_ok=True) comps_filename = os.path.join(comps_dir, yaml_name) yaml_func(comps_filename) yield plugin_etc_path
[docs] class TestPluginsConfigs: """Test that plugins are working."""
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Set up the test.""" cached_entry_point.cache_clear()
[docs] def test_get_plugin_configs(self, fake_composite_plugin_etc_path): """Check that the plugin configs are looked for.""" from satpy._config import get_entry_points_config_dirs with satpy.config.set(config_path=[]): dirs = get_entry_points_config_dirs("satpy.composites") assert dirs == [str(fake_composite_plugin_etc_path)]
[docs] def test_load_entry_point_composite(self, fake_composite_plugin_etc_path): """Test that composites can be loaded from plugin entry points.""" with satpy.config.set(config_path=[]): compositors, _ = load_compositor_configs_for_sensors(["fake_sensor"]) assert "fake_sensor" in compositors comp_dict = DatasetDict(compositors["fake_sensor"]) assert "fake_composite" in comp_dict comp_obj = comp_dict["fake_composite"] assert comp_obj.attrs["name"] == "fake_composite" assert comp_obj.attrs["prerequisites"] == [3.9, 10.8, 12.0]
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("specified_reader", [None, "fake_reader"]) def test_plugin_reader_configs(self, fake_reader_plugin_etc_path, specified_reader): """Test that readers can be loaded from plugin entry points.""" from satpy.readers import configs_for_reader reader_yaml_path = fake_reader_plugin_etc_path / "readers" / "fake_reader.yaml" self._get_and_check_reader_writer_configs(specified_reader, configs_for_reader, reader_yaml_path)
[docs] def test_plugin_reader_available_readers(self, fake_reader_plugin_etc_path): """Test that readers can be loaded from plugin entry points.""" from satpy.readers import available_readers self._check_available_component(available_readers, "fake_reader")
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("specified_writer", [None, "fake_writer"]) def test_plugin_writer_configs(self, fake_writer_plugin_etc_path, specified_writer): """Test that writers can be loaded from plugin entry points.""" from satpy.writers import configs_for_writer writer_yaml_path = fake_writer_plugin_etc_path / "writers" / "fake_writer.yaml" self._get_and_check_reader_writer_configs(specified_writer, configs_for_writer, writer_yaml_path)
[docs] def test_plugin_writer_available_writers(self, fake_writer_plugin_etc_path): """Test that readers can be loaded from plugin entry points.""" from satpy.writers import available_writers self._check_available_component(available_writers, "fake_writer")
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_and_check_reader_writer_configs(specified_component, configs_func, exp_yaml): with satpy.config.set(config_path=[]): configs = list(configs_func(specified_component)) assert any(str(exp_yaml) in config_list for config_list in configs)
[docs] @staticmethod def _check_available_component(available_func, exp_component): with satpy.config.set(config_path=[]): available_components = available_func() assert exp_component in available_components
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("sensor_name", "exp_result"), [ ("fake_sensor", 1.0), # uses the sensor specific entry ("fake_sensor2", 0.5), # uses the generic.yaml default ] ) def test_plugin_enhancements_generic_sensor(self, fake_enh_plugin_etc_path, sensor_name, exp_result): """Test that enhancements from a plugin are available.""" import dask.array as da import numpy as np import xarray as xr from trollimage.xrimage import XRImage from satpy.writers import Enhancer data_arr = xr.DataArray( da.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.float32), dims=("y", "x"), attrs={ "sensor": {sensor_name}, "name": "fake_name", }) img = XRImage(data_arr) enh = Enhancer() enh.add_sensor_enhancements(data_arr.attrs["sensor"]) enh.apply(img, ** res_data = np.testing.assert_allclose(res_data, exp_result)
[docs] class TestConfigObject: """Test basic functionality of the central config object."""
[docs] def test_custom_config_file(self): """Test adding a custom configuration file using SATPY_CONFIG.""" import tempfile from importlib import reload import yaml import satpy my_config_dict = { "cache_dir": "/path/to/cache", } try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+t", suffix=".yaml", delete=False) as tfile: yaml.dump(my_config_dict, tfile) tfile.close() with mock.patch.dict("os.environ", {"SATPY_CONFIG":}): reload(satpy._config) reload(satpy) assert satpy.config.get("cache_dir") == "/path/to/cache" finally: os.remove(
[docs] def test_deprecated_env_vars(self): """Test that deprecated variables are mapped to new config.""" from importlib import reload import satpy old_vars = { "PPP_CONFIG_DIR": "/my/ppp/config/dir", "SATPY_ANCPATH": "/my/ancpath", } with mock.patch.dict("os.environ", old_vars): reload(satpy._config) reload(satpy) assert satpy.config.get("data_dir") == "/my/ancpath" assert satpy.config.get("config_path") == ["/my/ppp/config/dir"]
[docs] def test_config_path_multiple(self): """Test that multiple config paths are accepted.""" from importlib import reload import satpy exp_paths, env_paths = _os_specific_multipaths() old_vars = { "SATPY_CONFIG_PATH": env_paths, } with mock.patch.dict("os.environ", old_vars): reload(satpy._config) reload(satpy) assert satpy.config.get("config_path") == exp_paths
[docs] def test_config_path_multiple_load(self): """Test that config paths from subprocesses load properly. Satpy modifies the config path environment variable when it is imported. If Satpy is imported again from a subprocess then it should be able to parse this modified variable. """ from importlib import reload import satpy exp_paths, env_paths = _os_specific_multipaths() old_vars = { "SATPY_CONFIG_PATH": env_paths, } with mock.patch.dict("os.environ", old_vars): # these reloads will update env variable "SATPY_CONFIG_PATH" reload(satpy._config) reload(satpy) # load the updated env variable and parse it again. reload(satpy._config) reload(satpy) assert satpy.config.get("config_path") == exp_paths
[docs] def test_bad_str_config_path(self): """Test that a str config path isn't allowed.""" from importlib import reload import satpy old_vars = { "SATPY_CONFIG_PATH": "/my/configs1", } # single path from env var still works with mock.patch.dict("os.environ", old_vars): reload(satpy._config) reload(satpy) assert satpy.config.get("config_path") == ["/my/configs1"] # strings are not allowed, lists are with satpy.config.set(config_path="/single/string/paths/are/bad"): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Satpy config option 'config_path' must be a list, not '<class 'str'>'"): satpy._config.get_config_path_safe()
[docs] def test_tmp_dir_is_writable(self): """Check that the default temporary directory is writable.""" import satpy assert _is_writable(satpy.config["tmp_dir"])
[docs] def test_is_writable(): """Test writable directory check.""" assert _is_writable(os.getcwd()) assert not _is_writable("/foo/bar")
[docs] def _is_writable(directory): import tempfile try: with tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir=directory): return True except OSError: return False
[docs] def _os_specific_multipaths(): exp_paths = ["/my/configs1", "/my/configs2", "/my/configs3"] if sys.platform.startswith("win"): exp_paths = ["C:" + p for p in exp_paths] path_str = os.pathsep.join(exp_paths) return exp_paths, path_str