Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_seviri_l2_grib

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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"""SEVIRI L2 GRIB-reader test package."""

import datetime
import sys
import unittest
from unittest import mock

import numpy as np

from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid

# Dictionary to be used as fake GRIB message
    "longitudeOfSubSatellitePointInDegrees": 9.5,
    "dataDate": 20191020,
    "dataTime": 1745,
    "Nx": 1000,
    "Ny": 1200,
    "earthMajorAxis": 6400.,
    "earthMinorAxis": 6300.,
    "NrInRadiusOfEarth": 6.,
    "XpInGridLengths": 500,
    "parameterNumber": 30,
    "missingValue": 9999,

# List to be used as fake GID source
FAKE_GID = [0, 1, 2, 3, None]

[docs] class Test_SeviriL2GribFileHandler(unittest.TestCase): """Test the SeviriL2GribFileHandler reader."""
[docs] @mock.patch("") def setUp(self, ec_): """Set up the test by creating a mocked eccodes library.""" fake_gid_generator = (i for i in FAKE_GID) ec_.codes_grib_new_from_file.side_effect = lambda fh: next(fake_gid_generator) ec_.codes_get.side_effect = lambda gid, key: FAKE_MESSAGE[key] ec_.codes_get_values.return_value = np.ones(1000*1200) self.ec_ = ec_
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform.startswith("win"), "'eccodes' not supported on Windows") @mock.patch("satpy.readers.seviri_l2_grib.xr") @mock.patch("satpy.readers.seviri_l2_grib.da") def test_data_reading(self, da_, xr_): """Test the reading of data from the product.""" from satpy.readers.seviri_l2_grib import REPEAT_CYCLE_DURATION, SeviriL2GribFileHandler from satpy.utils import get_legacy_chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE = get_legacy_chunk_size() with mock.patch("", mock.mock_open()) as mock_file: with mock.patch("", self.ec_): self.reader = SeviriL2GribFileHandler( filename="test.grib", filename_info={ "spacecraft": "MET11", "start_time": datetime.datetime(year=2020, month=10, day=20, hour=19, minute=45, second=0) }, filetype_info={} ) dataset_id = make_dataid(name="dummmy", resolution=3000) # Checks that the codes_grib_multi_support_on function has been called self.ec_.codes_grib_multi_support_on.assert_called() # Restarts the id generator and clears the call history fake_gid_generator = (i for i in FAKE_GID) self.ec_.codes_grib_new_from_file.side_effect = lambda fh: next(fake_gid_generator) self.ec_.codes_grib_new_from_file.reset_mock() self.ec_.codes_release.reset_mock() # Checks the correct execution of the get_dataset function with a valid parameter_number valid_dataset = self.reader.get_dataset(dataset_id, {"parameter_number": 30}) # Checks the correct file open call mock_file.assert_called_with("test.grib", "rb") # Checks that the dataset has been created as a DataArray object assert valid_dataset._extract_mock_name() == "xr.DataArray()" # Checks that codes_release has been called after each codes_grib_new_from_file call # (except after the last one which has returned a None) assert self.ec_.codes_grib_new_from_file.call_count == self.ec_.codes_release.call_count + 1 # Restarts the id generator and clears the call history fake_gid_generator = (i for i in FAKE_GID) self.ec_.codes_grib_new_from_file.side_effect = lambda fh: next(fake_gid_generator) self.ec_.codes_grib_new_from_file.reset_mock() self.ec_.codes_release.reset_mock() # Checks the correct execution of the get_dataset function with an invalid parameter_number invalid_dataset = self.reader.get_dataset(dataset_id, {"parameter_number": 50}) # Checks that the function returns None assert invalid_dataset is None # Checks that codes_release has been called after each codes_grib_new_from_file call # (except after the last one which has returned a None) assert self.ec_.codes_grib_new_from_file.call_count == self.ec_.codes_release.call_count + 1 # Checks the basic data reading assert REPEAT_CYCLE_DURATION == 15 # Checks the correct execution of the _get_global_attributes and _get_metadata_from_msg functions attributes = self.reader._get_attributes() expected_attributes = { "orbital_parameters": { "projection_longitude": 9.5 }, "sensor": "seviri", "platform_name": "Meteosat-11" } assert attributes == expected_attributes # Checks the reading of an array from the message self.reader._get_xarray_from_msg(0) # Checks that dask.array has been called with the correct arguments name, args, kwargs = da_.mock_calls[0] assert np.all(args[0] == np.ones((1200, 1000))) assert args[1] == CHUNK_SIZE # Checks that xarray.DataArray has been called with the correct arguments name, args, kwargs = xr_.mock_calls[0] assert kwargs["dims"] == ("y", "x") # Checks the correct execution of the _get_proj_area function pdict, area_dict = self.reader._get_proj_area(0) expected_pdict = { "a": 6400000., "b": 6300000., "h": 32000000., "ssp_lon": 9.5, "nlines": 1000, "ncols": 1200, "a_name": "msg_seviri_rss_3km", "a_desc": "MSG SEVIRI Rapid Scanning Service area definition with 3 km resolution", "p_id": "", } assert pdict == expected_pdict expected_area_dict = { "center_point": 500, "north": 1200, "east": 1, "west": 1000, "south": 1, } assert area_dict == expected_area_dict # Checks the correct execution of the get_area_def function with mock.patch("satpy.readers.seviri_l2_grib.calculate_area_extent", mock.Mock(name="calculate_area_extent")) as cae: with mock.patch("satpy.readers.seviri_l2_grib.get_area_definition", mock.Mock()) as gad: dataset_id = make_dataid(name="dummmy", resolution=400.) self.reader.get_area_def(dataset_id) # Asserts that calculate_area_extent has been called with the correct arguments expected_args = ({"center_point": 500, "east": 1, "west": 1000, "south": 1, "north": 1200, "column_step": 400., "line_step": 400.},) name, args, kwargs = cae.mock_calls[0] assert args == expected_args # Asserts that get_area_definition has been called with the correct arguments name, args, kwargs = gad.mock_calls[0] assert args[0] == expected_pdict # The second argument must be the return result of calculate_area_extent assert args[1]._extract_mock_name() == "calculate_area_extent()"