Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_msu_gsa_l1b

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
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# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
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"""Tests for the 'msu_gsa_l1b' reader."""
import os
from unittest import mock

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr

from satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_hdf5_utils import FakeHDF5FileHandler
from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid

SOLCONST = "273.59"

[docs] class FakeHDF5FileHandler2(FakeHDF5FileHandler): """Swap-in HDF5 File Handler."""
[docs] def _get_data(self, num_scans, num_cols): data = { "Data/resolution_1km/Solar_Zenith_Angle": xr.DataArray( da.ones((num_scans*4, num_cols*4), chunks=1024, dtype=np.uint16), attrs={ "scale": 0.01, "offset": 0., "fill_value": -999. }, dims=("x", "y")), "Geolocation/resolution_1km/Latitude": xr.DataArray( da.ones((num_scans*4, num_cols*4), chunks=1024, dtype=np.uint16), attrs={ "scale": 0.01, "offset": 0., "fill_value": -999. }, dims=("x", "y")), "Geolocation/resolution_1km/Longitude": xr.DataArray( da.ones((num_scans*4, num_cols*4), chunks=1024, dtype=np.uint16), attrs={ "scale": 0.01, "offset": 0., "fill_value": -999. }, dims=("x", "y")), "Data/resolution_1km/Radiance_01": xr.DataArray( da.ones((num_scans*4, num_cols*4), chunks=1024, dtype=np.uint16), attrs={ "scale": 0.01, "offset": 0., "fill_value": -999., "F_solar_constant": SOLCONST }, dims=("x", "y")), "Data/resolution_4km/Solar_Zenith_Angle": xr.DataArray( da.ones((num_scans, num_cols), chunks=1024, dtype=np.uint16), attrs={ "scale": 0.01, "offset": 0., "fill_value": -999. }, dims=("x", "y")), "Geolocation/resolution_4km/Latitude": xr.DataArray( da.ones((num_scans, num_cols), chunks=1024, dtype=np.uint16), attrs={ "scale": 0.01, "offset": 0., "fill_value": -999. }, dims=("x", "y")), "Geolocation/resolution_4km/Longitude": xr.DataArray( da.ones((num_scans, num_cols), chunks=1024, dtype=np.uint16), attrs={ "scale": 0.01, "offset": 0., "fill_value": -999. }, dims=("x", "y")), "Data/resolution_4km/Brightness_Temperature_09": xr.DataArray( da.ones((num_scans, num_cols), chunks=1024, dtype=np.uint16), attrs={ "scale": 0.01, "offset": 0., "fill_value": -999. }, dims=("x", "y")), } return data
[docs] def get_test_content(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info): """Mimic reader input file content.""" num_scans = 20 num_cols = 2048 global_attrs = { "/attr/timestamp_without_timezone": "2022-01-13T12:45:00", "/attr/satellite_observation_point_height": "38500.0", "/attr/satellite_observation_point_latitude": "71.25", "/attr/satellite_observation_point_longitude": "21.44", } data = self._get_data(num_scans, num_cols) test_content = {} test_content.update(global_attrs) test_content.update(data) return test_content
[docs] class TestMSUGSABReader: """Test MSU GS/A L1B Reader.""" yaml_file = "msu_gsa_l1b.yaml"
[docs] def setup_method(self): """Wrap HDF5 file handler with our own fake handler.""" from satpy._config import config_search_paths from satpy.readers import load_reader from satpy.readers.msu_gsa_l1b import MSUGSAFileHandler self.reader_configs = config_search_paths(os.path.join("readers", self.yaml_file)) # self.p = mock.patch.object(MSUGSAFileHandler, "__bases__", (FakeHDF5FileHandler2,)) self.fake_handler = self.p.start() self.p.is_local = True filenames = ["ArcticaM1_202201131245.h5"] self.reader = load_reader(self.reader_configs) files = self.reader.select_files_from_pathnames(filenames) self.reader.create_filehandlers(files)
[docs] def teardown_method(self): """Stop wrapping the HDF5 file handler.""" self.p.stop()
[docs] def test_irbt(self): """Test retrieval in brightness temperature.""" ds_ids = [make_dataid(name="C09", calibration="brightness_temperature")] res = self.reader.load(ds_ids) assert "C09" in res assert res["C09"].attrs["calibration"] == "brightness_temperature" assert res["C09"].attrs["platform_name"] == "Arctica-M-N1" assert res["C09"].attrs["sat_latitude"] == 71.25 assert res["C09"].attrs["sat_longitude"] == 21.44 assert res["C09"].attrs["sat_altitude"] == 38500. assert res["C09"].attrs["resolution"] == 4000
[docs] def test_nocounts(self): """Test we can't get IR or VIS data as counts.""" ds_ids = [make_dataid(name="C01", calibration="counts")] with pytest.raises(KeyError): self.reader.load(ds_ids) ds_ids = [make_dataid(name="C09", calibration="counts")] with pytest.raises(KeyError): self.reader.load(ds_ids)
[docs] def test_vis_cal(self): """Test that we can retrieve VIS data as both radiance and reflectance.""" ds_ids = [make_dataid(name="C01", calibration="radiance")] res = self.reader.load(ds_ids) rad = res["C01"].data ds_ids = [make_dataid(name="C01", calibration="reflectance")] res = self.reader.load(ds_ids) refl = res["C01"].data # Check the RAD->REFL conversion np.testing.assert_allclose(100 * np.pi * rad / float(SOLCONST), refl)