Source code for satpy.tests.reader_tests.test_ami_l1b

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Satpy developers
# This file is part of satpy.
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# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
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# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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"""The ami_l1b reader tests package."""
import contextlib
from typing import Iterator
from unittest import mock

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr
from pytest import approx, raises  # noqa: PT013

from satpy.readers.ami_l1b import AMIL1bNetCDF
from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid

FAKE_VIS_DATA = (((np.arange(10.).reshape((2, 5)) + 1.) * 50.0 + 1.0) / 0.5).astype(np.uint16)
FAKE_IR_DATA = ((np.arange(10).reshape((2, 5))) + 7000).astype(np.uint16)

[docs] class FakeDataset(object): """Mimic xarray Dataset object.""" def __init__(self, info, attrs): """Initialize test data.""" for var_name, var_data in list(info.items()): if isinstance(var_data, np.ndarray): info[var_name] = xr.DataArray(var_data) = info self.attrs = attrs def __getitem__(self, key): """Mimic getitem method.""" return[key] def __contains__(self, key): """Mimic contains method.""" return key in
[docs] def rename(self, *args, **kwargs): """Mimic rename method.""" return self
[docs] def close(self): """Act like close method.""" return
[docs] def _get_fake_counts(rad_data: np.ndarray, attrs: dict) -> xr.DataArray: counts = xr.DataArray( da.from_array(rad_data, chunks="auto"), dims=("y", "x"), attrs=attrs, ) return counts
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def _fake_reader(counts_data: xr.DataArray) -> Iterator[AMIL1bNetCDF]: sc_position = xr.DataArray(0., attrs={ "sc_position_center_pixel": [-26113466.1974016, 33100139.1630508, 3943.75470244799], }) fake_ds = FakeDataset( { "image_pixel_values": counts_data, "sc_position": sc_position, "gsics_coeff_intercept": [0.1859369], "gsics_coeff_slope": [0.9967594], }, { "satellite_name": "GK-2A", "observation_start_time": 623084431.957882, "observation_end_time": 623084975.606133, "projection_type": "GEOS", "sub_longitude": 2.23751210105673, "cfac": 81701355.6133574, "lfac": -81701355.6133574, "coff": 11000.5, "loff": 11000.5, "nominal_satellite_height": 42164000., "earth_equatorial_radius": 6378137., "earth_polar_radius": 6356752.3, "number_of_columns": 22000, "number_of_lines": 22000, "observation_mode": "FD", "channel_spatial_resolution": "0.5", "Radiance_to_Albedo_c": 1, "DN_to_Radiance_Gain": -0.0144806550815701, "DN_to_Radiance_Offset": 118.050903320312, "Teff_to_Tbb_c0": -0.141418528203155, "Teff_to_Tbb_c1": 1.00052232906885, "Teff_to_Tbb_c2": -0.00000036287276076109, "light_speed": 2.9979245800E+08, "Boltzmann_constant_k": 1.3806488000E-23, "Plank_constant_h": 6.6260695700E-34, } ) with mock.patch("satpy.readers.ami_l1b.xr") as xr_: xr_.open_dataset.return_value = fake_ds yield AMIL1bNetCDF("filename", {"platform_shortname": "gk2a"}, {"file_type": "ir087"})
[docs] @pytest.fixture def fake_vis_reader(): """Create fake reader for loading visible data.""" attrs = _fake_vis_attrs() counts_data_arr = _get_fake_counts(FAKE_VIS_DATA, attrs) with _fake_reader(counts_data_arr) as reader: yield reader
[docs] def _fake_vis_attrs(): return { "channel_name": "VI006", "detector_side": 2, "number_of_total_pixels": 484000000, "number_of_error_pixels": 113892451, "max_pixel_value": 32768, "min_pixel_value": 6, "average_pixel_value": 8228.98770845248, "stddev_pixel_value": 13621.130386551, "number_of_total_bits_per_pixel": 16, "number_of_data_quality_flag_bits_per_pixel": 2, "number_of_valid_bits_per_pixel": np.array([12]).astype(np.uint8), "data_quality_flag_meaning": "0:good_pixel, 1:conditionally_usable_pixel, 2:out_of_scan_area_pixel, 3:error_pixel", "ground_sample_distance_ew": 1.4e-05, "ground_sample_distance_ns": 1.4e-05, }
[docs] @pytest.fixture def fake_ir_reader(): """Create fake reader for loading IR data.""" attrs = _fake_ir_attrs() counts_data_arr = _get_fake_counts(FAKE_IR_DATA, attrs) with _fake_reader(counts_data_arr) as reader: yield reader
[docs] def _fake_ir_attrs(): return { "channel_name": "IR087", "detector_side": 2, "number_of_total_pixels": 484000000, "number_of_error_pixels": 113892451, "max_pixel_value": 32768, "min_pixel_value": 6, "average_pixel_value": 8228.98770845248, "stddev_pixel_value": 13621.130386551, "number_of_total_bits_per_pixel": 16, "number_of_data_quality_flag_bits_per_pixel": 2, "number_of_valid_bits_per_pixel": np.array([13]).astype(np.uint8), "data_quality_flag_meaning": "0:good_pixel, 1:conditionally_usable_pixel, 2:out_of_scan_area_pixel, 3:error_pixel", "ground_sample_distance_ew": 1.4e-05, "ground_sample_distance_ns": 1.4e-05, }
[docs] @pytest.fixture def fake_ir_reader2(): """Create fake reader for testing radiance clipping.""" counts_arr = FAKE_IR_DATA.copy() counts_arr[0, 0] = 16364 attrs = _fake_ir_attrs() counts_data_arr = _get_fake_counts(counts_arr, attrs) with _fake_reader(counts_data_arr) as reader: yield reader
[docs] class TestAMIL1bNetCDF: """Test the AMI L1b reader."""
[docs] def _check_orbital_parameters(self, orb_params): """Check that orbital parameters match expected values.""" exp_params = { "projection_altitude": 35785863.0, "projection_latitude": 0.0, "projection_longitude": 128.2, "satellite_actual_altitude": 35782654.56070405, "satellite_actual_latitude": 0.005364927, "satellite_actual_longitude": 128.2707, } for key, val in exp_params.items(): assert val == approx(orb_params[key], abs=1e-3)
[docs] def test_filename_grouping(self): """Test that filenames are grouped properly.""" from satpy.readers import group_files filenames = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] groups = group_files(filenames, reader="ami_l1b") assert len(groups) == 1 assert len(groups[0]["ami_l1b"]) == 16
[docs] def test_basic_attributes(self, fake_vis_reader): """Test getting basic file attributes.""" import datetime as dt assert fake_vis_reader.start_time == dt.datetime(2019, 9, 30, 3, 0, 31, 957882) assert fake_vis_reader.end_time == dt.datetime(2019, 9, 30, 3, 9, 35, 606133)
[docs] def test_get_dataset(self, fake_vis_reader): """Test getting radiance data.""" from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid key = make_dataid(name="VI006", calibration="radiance") res = fake_vis_reader.get_dataset(key, { "file_key": "image_pixel_values", "standard_name": "toa_outgoing_radiance_per_unit_wavelength", "units": "W m-2 um-1 sr-1", }) exp = {"calibration": "radiance", "modifiers": (), "platform_name": "GEO-KOMPSAT-2A", "sensor": "ami", "units": "W m-2 um-1 sr-1"} for key, val in exp.items(): assert val == res.attrs[key] self._check_orbital_parameters(res.attrs["orbital_parameters"])
[docs] def test_bad_calibration(self): """Test that asking for a bad calibration fails.""" from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid with raises(ValueError, match="_bad_ invalid value for .*"): _ = make_dataid(name="VI006", calibration="_bad_")
[docs] @mock.patch("satpy.readers.abi_base.geometry.AreaDefinition") def test_get_area_def(self, adef, fake_vis_reader): """Test the area generation.""" fake_vis_reader.get_area_def(None) assert adef.call_count == 1 call_args = tuple(adef.call_args)[0] exp = {"a": 6378137.0, "b": 6356752.3, "h": 35785863.0, "lon_0": 128.2, "proj": "geos", "units": "m"} for key, val in exp.items(): assert key in call_args[3] assert val == approx(call_args[3][key]) assert call_args[4] ==["number_of_columns"] assert call_args[5] ==["number_of_lines"] np.testing.assert_allclose(call_args[6], [-5511022.902, -5511022.902, 5511022.902, 5511022.902])
[docs] def test_get_dataset_vis(self, fake_vis_reader): """Test get visible calibrated data.""" from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid key = make_dataid(name="VI006", calibration="reflectance") res = fake_vis_reader.get_dataset(key, { "file_key": "image_pixel_values", "standard_name": "toa_bidirectional_reflectance", "units": "%", }) exp = {"calibration": "reflectance", "modifiers": (), "platform_name": "GEO-KOMPSAT-2A", "sensor": "ami", "units": "%"} for key, val in exp.items(): assert val == res.attrs[key] self._check_orbital_parameters(res.attrs["orbital_parameters"])
[docs] def test_get_dataset_counts(self, fake_vis_reader): """Test get counts data.""" from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid key = make_dataid(name="VI006", calibration="counts") res = fake_vis_reader.get_dataset(key, { "file_key": "image_pixel_values", "standard_name": "counts", "units": "1", }) exp = {"calibration": "counts", "modifiers": (), "platform_name": "GEO-KOMPSAT-2A", "sensor": "ami", "units": "1"} for key, val in exp.items(): assert val == res.attrs[key] self._check_orbital_parameters(res.attrs["orbital_parameters"])
[docs] class TestAMIL1bNetCDFIRCal: """Test IR specific things about the AMI reader.""" ds_id = make_dataid(name="IR087", wavelength=[8.415, 8.59, 8.765], calibration="brightness_temperature") ds_info = { "file_key": "image_pixel_values", "wavelength": [8.415, 8.59, 8.765], "standard_name": "toa_brightness_temperature", "units": "K", }
[docs] def test_default_calibrate(self, fake_ir_reader): """Test default (pyspectral) IR calibration.""" from satpy.readers.ami_l1b import rad2temp with mock.patch("satpy.readers.ami_l1b.rad2temp", wraps=rad2temp) as r2t_mock: res = fake_ir_reader.get_dataset(self.ds_id, self.ds_info) r2t_mock.assert_called_once() expected = np.array([[238.34385135, 238.31443527, 238.28500087, 238.25554813, 238.22607701], [238.1965875, 238.16707956, 238.13755317, 238.10800829, 238.07844489]]) np.testing.assert_allclose(, expected, equal_nan=True) # make sure the attributes from the file are in the data array assert res.attrs["standard_name"] == "toa_brightness_temperature"
[docs] def test_infile_calibrate(self, fake_ir_reader): """Test IR calibration using in-file coefficients.""" from satpy.readers.ami_l1b import rad2temp fake_ir_reader.calib_mode = "FILE" with mock.patch("satpy.readers.ami_l1b.rad2temp", wraps=rad2temp) as r2t_mock: res = fake_ir_reader.get_dataset(self.ds_id, self.ds_info) r2t_mock.assert_not_called() expected = np.array([[238.34385135, 238.31443527, 238.28500087, 238.25554813, 238.22607701], [238.1965875, 238.16707956, 238.13755317, 238.10800829, 238.07844489]]) # file coefficients are pretty close, give some wiggle room np.testing.assert_allclose(, expected, equal_nan=True, atol=0.04) # make sure the attributes from the file are in the data array assert res.attrs["standard_name"] == "toa_brightness_temperature"
[docs] def test_gsics_radiance_corr(self, fake_ir_reader): """Test IR radiance adjustment using in-file GSICS coefs.""" from satpy.readers.ami_l1b import rad2temp fake_ir_reader.calib_mode = "GSICS" expected = np.array([[238.036797, 238.007106, 237.977396, 237.947668, 237.91792], [237.888154, 237.85837, 237.828566, 237.798743, 237.768902]]) with mock.patch("satpy.readers.ami_l1b.rad2temp", wraps=rad2temp) as r2t_mock: res = fake_ir_reader.get_dataset(self.ds_id, self.ds_info) r2t_mock.assert_not_called() # file coefficients are pretty close, give some wiggle room np.testing.assert_allclose(, expected, equal_nan=True, atol=0.01) # make sure the attributes from the file are in the data array assert res.attrs["standard_name"] == "toa_brightness_temperature"
[docs] def test_user_radiance_corr(self, fake_ir_reader): """Test IR radiance adjustment using user-supplied coefs.""" from satpy.readers.ami_l1b import rad2temp fake_ir_reader.calib_mode = "FILE" fake_ir_reader.user_calibration = {"IR087": {"slope": 0.99669, "offset": 0.16907}} expected = np.array([[238.073713, 238.044043, 238.014354, 237.984647, 237.954921], [237.925176, 237.895413, 237.865631, 237.835829, 237.806009]]) with mock.patch("satpy.readers.ami_l1b.rad2temp", wraps=rad2temp) as r2t_mock: res = fake_ir_reader.get_dataset(self.ds_id, self.ds_info) r2t_mock.assert_not_called() # file coefficients are pretty close, give some wiggle room np.testing.assert_allclose(, expected, equal_nan=True, atol=0.01) # make sure the attributes from the file are in the data array assert res.attrs["standard_name"] == "toa_brightness_temperature"
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("clip", [False, True]) def test_clipneg(self, fake_ir_reader2, clip): """Test that negative radiances are clipped.""" ds_id = make_dataid(name="IR087", wavelength=[8.415, 8.59, 8.765], calibration="radiance") fake_ir_reader2.clip_negative_radiances = clip res = np.array(fake_ir_reader2.get_dataset(ds_id, self.ds_info)) if clip: np.testing.assert_allclose(res[0, 0], 0.004603, atol=0.0001) else: assert res[0, 0] < 0