# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Satpy developers
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""The abi_l2_nc reader tests package."""
import contextlib
from typing import Optional
from unittest import mock
import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr
def _create_cmip_dataset(data_variable: str = "HT"):
proj = xr.DataArray(
"semi_major_axis": 1.,
"semi_minor_axis": 1.,
"perspective_point_height": 1.,
"longitude_of_projection_origin": -90.,
"sweep_angle_axis": u"x"
x__ = xr.DataArray(
[0, 1],
attrs={"scale_factor": 2., "add_offset": -1.},
y__ = xr.DataArray(
[0, 1],
attrs={"scale_factor": -2., "add_offset": 1.},
ht_da = xr.DataArray(np.array([2, -1, -32768, 32767]).astype(np.int16).reshape((2, 2)),
dims=("y", "x"),
attrs={"scale_factor": 0.3052037,
"add_offset": 0.,
"_FillValue": np.array(-1).astype(np.int16),
"_Unsigned": "True",
"units": "m"},)
fake_dataset = xr.Dataset(
"goes_imager_projection": proj,
"x": x__,
"y": y__,
data_variable: ht_da,
"nominal_satellite_subpoint_lat": np.array(0.0),
"nominal_satellite_subpoint_lon": np.array(-89.5),
"nominal_satellite_height": np.array(35786.02),
"spatial_resolution": "10km at nadir",
"time_coverage_start": "2017-09-20T17:30:40.8Z",
"time_coverage_end": "2017-09-20T17:41:17.5Z",
"spatial_resolution": "2km at nadir",
return fake_dataset
def _compare_subdict(actual_dict, exp_sub_dict):
for key, value in exp_sub_dict.items():
assert key in actual_dict
assert actual_dict[key] == value
def _assert_orbital_parameters(orb_params):
assert orb_params["satellite_nominal_longitude"] == -89.5
assert orb_params["satellite_nominal_latitude"] == 0.0
assert orb_params["satellite_nominal_altitude"] == 35786020.0
def _create_mcmip_dataset():
ds1 = _create_cmip_dataset("CMI_C01")
ds2 = _create_cmip_dataset("CMI_C14")
ds1["CMI_C01"].attrs["units"] = "1"
ds2["CMI_C14"].attrs["units"] = "K"
ds1["CMI_C14"] = ds2["CMI_C14"]
return ds1
def _create_aod_dataset():
ds1 = _create_cmip_dataset("AOD")
ds1["AOD"].attrs["units"] = "1"
return ds1
class Test_NC_ABI_L2_get_dataset:
"""Test get dataset function of the NC_ABI_L2 reader."""
("obs_type", "ds_func", "var_name", "var_attrs"),
("ACHA", _create_cmip_dataset, "HT", {"units": "m"}),
("AOD", _create_aod_dataset, "AOD", {"units": "1"}),
def test_get_dataset(self, obs_type, ds_func, var_name, var_attrs):
"""Test basic L2 load."""
from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid
key = make_dataid(name=var_name)
with _create_reader_for_fake_data(obs_type, ds_func()) as reader:
res = reader.get_dataset(key, {"file_key": var_name})
exp_data = np.array([[2 * 0.3052037, np.nan],
[32768 * 0.3052037, 32767 * 0.3052037]])
exp_attrs = {"instrument_ID": None,
"modifiers": (),
"name": var_name,
"observation_type": obs_type,
"orbital_slot": None,
"platform_name": "GOES-16",
"platform_shortname": "G16",
"production_site": None,
"scan_mode": "M3",
"scene_abbr": "C",
"scene_id": None,
"sensor": "abi",
"timeline_ID": None,
np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, exp_data, equal_nan=True)
_compare_subdict(res.attrs, exp_attrs)
def test_get_dataset_gfls(self):
"""Test that Low Cloud and Fog filenames work."""
from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid
filename_info = {"platform_shortname": "g16", "scene_abbr": "FD"}
key = make_dataid(name="MVFR_Fog_Prob")
with _create_reader_for_fake_data("GFLS", _create_cmip_dataset("MVFR_Fog_Prob"), filename_info) as reader:
res = reader.get_dataset(key, {"file_key": "MVFR_Fog_Prob"})
assert res.attrs["platform_name"] == "GOES-16"
class TestMCMIPReading:
"""Test cases of the MCMIP file format."""
("product", "exp_metadata"),
("C14", {"calibration": "brightness_temperature", "wavelength": (10.8, 11.2, 11.6), "units": "K"}),
("C01", {"calibration": "reflectance", "wavelength": (0.45, 0.47, 0.49), "units": "%"}),
def test_mcmip_get_dataset(self, xr_, product, exp_metadata):
"""Test getting channel from MCMIP file."""
import datetime as dt
from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition
from satpy import Scene
fake_ds = _create_mcmip_dataset()
xr_.open_dataset.return_value = fake_ds
fn = "OR_ABI-L2-MCMIPF-M6_G16_s20192600241149_e20192600243534_c20192600245360.nc"
scn = Scene(reader="abi_l2_nc", filenames=[fn])
exp_data = np.array([[2 * 0.3052037, np.nan],
[32768 * 0.3052037, 32767 * 0.3052037]])
if "C01" in product:
exp_data *= 100
exp_attrs = {
"instrument_ID": None,
"modifiers": (),
"name": product,
"observation_type": "MCMIP",
"orbital_slot": None,
"reader": "abi_l2_nc",
"platform_name": "GOES-16",
"platform_shortname": "G16",
"production_site": None,
"scan_mode": "M6",
"scene_abbr": "F",
"scene_id": None,
"sensor": "abi",
"timeline_ID": None,
"start_time": dt.datetime(2017, 9, 20, 17, 30, 40, 800000),
"end_time": dt.datetime(2017, 9, 20, 17, 41, 17, 500000),
"ancillary_variables": [],
res = scn[product]
np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, exp_data, equal_nan=True)
assert isinstance(res.attrs["area"], AreaDefinition)
_compare_subdict(res.attrs, exp_attrs)
class Test_NC_ABI_L2_area_fixedgrid:
"""Test the NC_ABI_L2 reader."""
def test_get_area_def_fixedgrid(self, adef):
"""Test the area generation."""
with _create_reader_for_fake_data("RSR", _create_cmip_dataset()) as reader:
assert adef.call_count == 1
call_args = tuple(adef.call_args)[0]
assert call_args[3] == {"a": 1.0, "b": 1.0, "h": 1.0, "lon_0": -90.0,
"proj": "geos", "sweep": "x", "units": "m"}
assert call_args[4] == reader.ncols
assert call_args[5] == reader.nlines
np.testing.assert_allclose(call_args[6], (-2., -2., 2., 2.))
class Test_NC_ABI_L2_area_latlon:
"""Test the NC_ABI_L2 reader."""
def setup_method(self):
"""Create fake data for the tests."""
proj = xr.DataArray(
attrs={"semi_major_axis": 1.,
"semi_minor_axis": 1.,
"inverse_flattening": 1.,
"longitude_of_prime_meridian": 0.0,
proj_ext = xr.DataArray(
attrs={"geospatial_westbound_longitude": -85.0,
"geospatial_eastbound_longitude": -65.0,
"geospatial_northbound_latitude": 20.0,
"geospatial_southbound_latitude": -20.0,
"geospatial_lat_center": 0.0,
"geospatial_lon_center": -75.0,
x__ = xr.DataArray(
[0, 1],
attrs={"scale_factor": 2., "add_offset": -1.},
y__ = xr.DataArray(
[0, 1],
attrs={"scale_factor": -2., "add_offset": 1.},
fake_dataset = xr.Dataset(
"goes_lat_lon_projection": proj,
"geospatial_lat_lon_extent": proj_ext,
"lon": x__,
"lat": y__,
"RSR": xr.DataArray(np.ones((2, 2)), dims=("lat", "lon")),
self.fake_dataset = fake_dataset
def test_get_area_def_latlon(self, adef):
"""Test the area generation."""
with _create_reader_for_fake_data("RSR", self.fake_dataset) as reader:
assert adef.call_count == 1
call_args = tuple(adef.call_args)[0]
assert call_args[3] == {"proj": "latlong", "a": 1.0, "b": 1.0, "fi": 1.0, "pm": 0.0,
"lon_0": -75.0, "lat_0": 0.0}
assert call_args[4] == reader.ncols
assert call_args[5] == reader.nlines
np.testing.assert_allclose(call_args[6], (-85.0, -20.0, -65.0, 20))
class Test_NC_ABI_L2_area_AOD:
"""Test the NC_ABI_L2 reader for the AOD product."""
def setup_method(self, xr_):
"""Create fake data for the tests."""
proj = xr.DataArray(
attrs={"semi_major_axis": 1.,
"semi_minor_axis": 1.,
"inverse_flattening": 1.,
"longitude_of_prime_meridian": 0.0,
proj_ext = xr.DataArray(
attrs={"geospatial_westbound_longitude": -85.0,
"geospatial_eastbound_longitude": -65.0,
"geospatial_northbound_latitude": 20.0,
"geospatial_southbound_latitude": -20.0,
"geospatial_lat_center": 0.0,
"geospatial_lon_center": -75.0,
x__ = xr.DataArray(
[0, 1],
attrs={"scale_factor": 2., "add_offset": -1.},
y__ = xr.DataArray(
[0, 1],
attrs={"scale_factor": -2., "add_offset": 1.},
fake_dataset = xr.Dataset(
"goes_lat_lon_projection": proj,
"geospatial_lat_lon_extent": proj_ext,
"x": x__,
"y": y__,
"RSR": xr.DataArray(np.ones((2, 2)), dims=("y", "x")),
self.fake_dataset = fake_dataset
def test_get_area_def_xy(self, adef):
"""Test the area generation."""
with _create_reader_for_fake_data("RSR", self.fake_dataset) as reader:
assert adef.call_count == 1
call_args = tuple(adef.call_args)[0]
assert call_args[3] == {"proj": "latlong", "a": 1.0, "b": 1.0, "fi": 1.0, "pm": 0.0,
"lon_0": -75.0, "lat_0": 0.0}
assert call_args[4] == reader.ncols
assert call_args[5] == reader.nlines
np.testing.assert_allclose(call_args[6], (-85.0, -20.0, -65.0, 20))
def _create_reader_for_fake_data(observation_type: str, fake_dataset: xr.Dataset, filename_info: Optional[dict] = None):
from satpy.readers.abi_l2_nc import NC_ABI_L2
if filename_info is None:
filename_info = {
"platform_shortname": "G16",
"scene_abbr": "C", "scan_mode": "M3"
reader_args = (
{"file_type": "info", "observation_type": observation_type},
with mock.patch("satpy.readers.abi_base.xr") as xr_:
xr_.open_dataset.return_value = fake_dataset
reader = NC_ABI_L2(*reader_args)
yield reader